Sabtu, 12 Oktober 2013

So someone please help me choose the right lawn mower?!?

best lawn mower under $400 on Clipart Cartoon Lawn Mower Waving - Acclaim Stock Photography
best lawn mower under $400 image

~d0g5 aR3

I have a medium sized backyard and small I dunno which one to choose, as there are lot of lawn mowers to choose from. I am looking at a range under $ tell me what is the best and which store is good to shop from?

Thanks and love u all :)
Can someone say what is the best a self propelled one or a push mower and why?!!

I just go with Craftsman (Sears). The best is Deere (very expensive) and the next best are Honda and Toro (both expensive). Craftsman is acceptable and significantly less expensive. With Craftsman, you will have no problem staying well below $400.

As for model, I like one that will mulch and rear bag, my option. I always get push mowers but if you need "assistance", you could get a wheel-drive mower (front or rear drive). One thing about push mowers, the bigger the wheels, the easier to push.

What expenses should I plan for when moving into a house?


I am in a dorm room now, the rent is ~$5600/year. The guy with the house is asking $375/person/month (3 people) and he will cover the utilities. Cable internet/tv is extra ($80 which will be split b/t at least 2 of us=>just under $30 each up to $40 each), and it is 15 minutes from campus (@ 40mph). I get pretty good gas mileage, but even one trip to campus and back per day 5 days a week would mean an extra $32.44/month and that is using my highway mpg rather than in-town mpg (which would raise the price). I'm not sure whether he would make us keep up the lawn (mowing, etc.). Do you think he would expect that of us? If he does, then we would either have to do it ourselves (and buy gas, a lawn mower, etc.), or we would have to pay someone to do it (twice a month for 1/3 of the year means $160/year=$13.33/month). Do you think my estimations are reasonable, and what would be any other expenses that I would have to pay for (excluding groceries)? Would it be worth it?

Probably not worth's the math:
$375/mo * 12 mo (unless your lease is less) = $4500
cable @ $40/mo * 12 = $480
gas @35/mo (and let's be honest, even though I live 15 min from campus, I spend closer to $70 on gas most months thanks to high prices) so assume $60/mo *12 = $720
you must specify in the lease who is respoinsble for upkeep of the house...if it is you then another $160-200/yr
also, include the cost of a commuter parking pass for the campus...usually runs about $350-400 a semester (at least from colleges I've been to) so that's another $800 a year or so
PLUS some colleges charge more tuition if you are living off campus so also consider that...

total that would be: $6700 on the high end... (plus any extra tuition)

also consider that he might mean utilities to be JUST: HOA (housing fees, taxes), water, sewage, trash and not include gas and electricity in there...

Although I love living in my apartment now, as an undergraduate living in the dorms was the smartest are close to friends for help with homework, you have fast internet, you can get to class regardless of weather issues, you don't have to deal with mail, packages, lease problems, broken things, etc...

I'd recommend living in the dorms as an undergrad and striking out on your own after that.

good luck and I hope this helped (I did consider this myself as a senior in college but I'm glad I stayed in the dorms)

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