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So they want to do this by some time in 2012 - images of damaged lungs, dead bodies, and such on at least 50% of cigarettes sold.
What do you think about this? Is it constitutional? Why (really I mean HOW) does the government have the authority to alter the design of a company's product?
Do you think it will achieve the end they want? Why haven't they been talking about doing this with food or alcohol? Of all drugs, alcohol affects your body the most.
Cancer, emphysema, amputations, etc... these results aren't even typical!
As far as bad food goes, being fat is typical. And what about the crap they put in food (MSG, trans fat, HFCS, etc, etc)? Are the adverse effects of those typical? Absolutely. Why aren't there warning labels on them? Or why aren't they pushing it?
Additionally, even if it does work - everybody quits smoking, and tobacco companies go out of business, whatever - wtf is up with the government? The government would be pushing people out of business!
Personally, I think they are putting their big noses where they don't belong. This ought to be up to parents, and one's own judgment.
So just tell me your opinion, and why you think that. Or just say whether you support it or not.
@ The CRYING Potato - the government keeps tobacco legal because they have no right to make it illegal.
@ The CRYING Potato - the government keeps tobacco legal because they have no right to make it illegal.
Yep. You're right. It's BS. Why not put pictures of disgusting, damaged teeth on Coke products? How about mutilated body parts pictures on lawn mowers, because improper use, you know, could cause that damage? It's idiotic to single-out cigarettes, no matter if you smoke or not.
Is it better to get an AA degree and then enlisting into the Air Force?
Anthony Wi
I am joining the Air Force but my school counselor advised me to atleast go to community college first and get an AA degree because I'll be able to go in as a higher rank.... Larry what is your opinion on this? and why do these people keep saying enlisting is a horrible idea and that ill regret it? I'm sorry I keep posting these but I'm still young and I feel easily influenced of what older people advise to me.
They also told me that if I go in right out of school I'll be "at the bottom and I'll be scrubbing toilets 12 hours a day ect" and that going to college for two years will get me in at a higher rank and it's better to do it that way.
The people keep saying that because you probably hang out with a college prep crowd and they think you are college material and have more potential than you give yourself credit. Also, many of your friends who say that may come from families that are more well off and where financing a college education is not much of an issue. Besides scrubbing toilets, there are other interesting tasks such as paste waxing non wax floors and painting rocks. One of the most miserable that I can recall seeing Airmen tasked with is mowing acres of dried up weeds with a push lawn mower on a 105 degree summer day in BDU's.
Your counselor has knowledge of California Community College, UC and CSU Costs and the means that are available to California high school students to finance a public university education and the ease with which a California community college student can transfer to a CSU or UC campus including guaranteed transfers to every UC campus except Berkeley and UCLA, neither of which is especially difficult for a California community college student to transfer into for numerous majors if a student completes the required classes to transfer. California Community College transfer applicants are given massive preference in admissions over other transfer applicants.
With that knowledge some of the answers to this question would likely change.
1)In other states, community college is not essentially free as it is in California. The cost for California residents is not $120.00 per semester credit hour as stated in another answer but $36.00 per semester credit hour and most students have that fee waived.
2) For students who qualify for Cal Grant, the entitlement Grant, is available for high school seniors and then the following year for those who do not go directly to college. The entitlement grant can be reserved for students who choose to go to a community college and then transfer to a UC, CSU or Private University. Such students pay nothing for community college. The fees are waived.
Cal Grant A pays full tuition for state residents at a public university and up to $9,708 per year at Private Institutions.
The Income ceilings are above the limits for Pell Grants:
The Asset ceiling does not include the family home or a family business with less than one hundred employees and is net of debt.
UC's add even more aid through Blue and Gold and now Berkeley is going to offer financial aid for students from families making above the Blue and Gold Income limit, for students from families making between $80,000 and $120,000. There is legislation that is going to make this available at all UC's and CSU campuses.
Aside from all of the above, it would be a very good idea to first complete an AA or two years at a community college that includes completing IGETC or the requirements for a UC Major that does not accept IGETC, since E-3 and then E-4 rank and two years of College that has to be accepted at a UC or CSU campus as meeting the requirements, will make you eligible and competitive for the Air Force Enlisted to Officer Commissioning Programs: AECP, ASCP POC-ERP, SOAR.
Taking classes at colleges that offer courses on base does not mean the college that is transferred to has to accept those credits. Completing IGETC means that you can definitively show that you can complete the enlisted commissioning program in two years at a UC or CSU campus.
If you were a lettered high school varsity athlete and do well at a community college, filling any gaps or deficiencies in the PAR(Prior Academic Record), it would also allow you to be competitive for an appointment to the Air Force Academy, applying for an appointment while at the community college and then as an enlisted applicant through LEAD.
The Air Force Academy offers the best chance to become a Pilot. Each year the Air Force allots 500 Pilot Slots to the 1,000 2nd Lieutenants commissioning at the Academy and 500 Pilot slots to the 2,200 2nd Lieutenants commissioning through Afrotc. About 60% of Air Force Academy Cadets are Pilot qualified; however, not all want to be Pilots, so most years any Academy Cadet who wants to a Pilot slot gets one.
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