best lawnmower seat image
Yesterday I was cutting grass and my riding lawnmower started going off. I can turn it on and it runs. But when I put it into gear and start moving (even with the mowing deck NOT engaged) it goes off. Sometimes I can drive it for 3 foot, sometimes for 30 foot, sometimes not at all. I can press the clutch real quick to kick it out of gear and it will then stay on. Know what this might be? Also is there a rule of thumb as far as how fast to put the motor when in a particular gear? Thanks in advance.
well from the sounds of it, your engine is bogging down when you try to move or turn on the cutting deck, is this correct? if it was a safety switch, the motor would cut out quickley as if you had turned it off yourself. but if is cutting out slowly, almost as if it has a loss of power, then it is not a safety switch. if the tractor hasnt had a tune up lately (oil change, new spark plug, air filter) then i would first off do that. next, you might want to check you compression, it could have a valve not seating right which would cause a loss of compression, which in the end would cause a loss of power. but it could also be you need you play with your carburator adjustments a little. if have to look in your manual to find out which valve is the main fuel valve and which is the idle. then just give the main fuel valve a turn either clock wise or counter clock wise and then see if it helps. and if it makes it worse going one way then go the other way. good luck, and with the throttle, no, it does not matter were it is set at, i usually have it 3/4 of the way up, and thats my rpm speed not matter what gear you are in. but if it a newer tractor then you have the throttle all the way up while you are cutting. on the older ones you dont, you will over rev the engine.
What's the proper maintenance to revive a lawnmower that's been idle for 4 years?
I have a Craftsman 6.0 HP lawnmower that's been in the garage for 4 years. The fluids were never drained from it. I'm afraid that trying to start it up will damage it if I don't do the right maintenance on it.
i have been a small engine mechanic for about seven years, so i've seen this problem more than once. start of by removing the sediment bowl, dump it out and spray it with carb cleaner. be careful not to get any cleaner on ANY gasket or seal as they will be ruined. take out the pin that hold the float and remove the needle BE VERY CAREFUL this needle is easy to lose. spray cleaner through the needle seat and rplace needle and float. there should be a stem beside the needle seat, this contains a jet, spray cleaner in the end to clean. reassemble the carb and reattach to motor refeul and replace oil and start mowing. if problem(s) persist feel free to contact me via e-mail. good luck
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