best lawn mower transmission image
Sorry to keep asking ( am new at this and do not know how to reply without ending my question. My Bolens riding lawn mower does not want to start and trans seems to be stuck. Have tried new battery, carb and fuel cleaning, did get it to start when I jumped the slenoid for only a few seconds, lights do not even come on anymore and it did at the beginning of season. I really apprecaite the answers given thus far and there are two that seems to want to help. I am sorry for repeating this question but do not know how to reply without closing the question out. Please any real help would be mostly apprecaited. When it did start it moved a small bit ( hard) then seemed as though it would not go in gear.
572ci. if you could reply again I would most greatly appreicate it, you have been the one that seems to to most helpful. I am not mechaincally inclined but can do some things if explained to me. The swtich does not want to work either ( that is why I jumoed the solenoid ( it worked before) I am not sure where else to check ( oh yeah did check fuse under seat and it seems to be fine ( not blown)
Not sure what I did ( disconnected one set of wires ( two together and runs to a larger group they were white and yellow) took carb filter off and it started up ( but only with taking screw driver to selnoid) It got my grass most of the way cut ( belt broke, go figure lol). When I got thur I reconnected the wires and tried to start still nothing ( unless I do the screw driver thing with the selnoid, even the headlights worked this time). Guess I have to get new selnoid ( whew, at least I can cut my grass ( after fighting to get new belt on). With the filter on carb it did not want to start, without it it seems ok ( guess I have to ask what causes that).
Wanted to say thank you for your patience and time and if you know anything else please tell me.
Thanks a billion for all your help. You have been so nice and great information, 572ci. I would like to tell you there need to be more people that are as helpful as you.
Ok, it started saying to me, its getting spark, cleaning the carb takes a good soak in a bath type carb cleaner and blow out with carb cleaner, even then you can sometimes not get it. These bolens are a mtd made machine (I'm not a fan of em) and use various transmissions, some variable drives, most are shift on the go's..., could have a slipping belt to little or no fluid in the trans, if it has a hydro, they are picky and need that fluid even worse. Also the engine could have a low oil switch (these are picky as well) make sure the oils to the full mark. It has a new battery, the lights on newer ones should be run off the engines alternator... so it most likely needs to be running, but make sure any and all fuses are not blown. NOW, it is more then likely a over head valve engine, if its catching on the compression stroke any? then have the valves adjusted... but jumping the solenoid sounds like the solenoid could have gone bad or its a kill switch.... these things are even cheaper made today and can go like that.... hope this helps..
and if it has a extended warranty, USE IT!! just to make sure.... pull the kill wire off the ignition coil so switches are disabled, if it starts, pop the plug wire off the plug to kill it. And if it did start, one of the switchs are bad.
Filter was probablly clogged..... reinstall a new briggs original filter. I've had bad experiences with aftermarket...... as for the solenoid, sounds like you do..... they are cheap.. around 12 bucks.... and for the wire... http://www.tulsaenginewarehouse.com/drawings/allwiring.pdf
this is basic wiring, sounds like you probablly pulled the kill wire, unless it started with that wire hooked back up, and filter off. btw, the lights should run when the engines running... also make sure the filter is installed the right way.
what could be wrong with riding lawn mower?
My riding lawn mower does not start, have installed new battery, jumped the selnoid to see if something was wrong on that it ( it started a few seconds, then acted as though it was not getting enough gas to keep it running), checked the starter it seems to be working fine ( took it off and hooked cables to end with a charger to see if it moved and it did).The transmission also seems to be stuck now, ( it moved hard but breifly when I jumped the selnoid. Please no wise cracks about it being broke, I know that much. I live off a small disabilty check and can not afford to take it in to shop nor do I have a way to haul it. Any real help would be appreciated. I also know that I wrote yesterday but apparently did not word it well enough for some. Thanks
OK, its getting spark, does the solenoid work by itself, no need for jumping across the posts? If not, a universal is cheap.... if it does.... and spins over... its a carb problem anyway.... take the fuel line off at the carb, crimp it and let it go, making sure it has good flow, if so... thats ok, of not, make sure the gas cap is venting, the filter isn't clogged, and on some tanks there is a mesh screen at the outlet... if fuel is getting to it good, check the carb, pull the carb bowl (make sure fuel is shut off!) and take a can off carb cleaner, with the straw on the carb can, blow out any and all holes really good..., as they say, rinse and repeat.... several times... 5 or 6 should do..., this will clear the main jet, it is what provides fuel when its running full throttle..., then move onto the idle mixture up top... blow out any and all holes you can find and see basically really good.... though if you see a good amount of gummed up gas, a tear down and soak in carb cleaner, and a cheap rebuild kit is in order... make sure to use fuel stabilizer!!, though if no gummed gas, it can be a peice of trash just got sucked up in there...
and forgot, as said above, make sure the float, and the inlet needle are not sticking, work em up and down a few times to loosen. As for the trans, you never said what type, manual transaxle to hydro.... manual? the selector could just be stuck.
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