Selasa, 13 Agustus 2013

Cost to repair seized lawnmower motor?

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I ran my oil too low in my Husquavarna riding mower with a Kohler Cougar 20 motor model SV600. It got the shakes and I shut it down, then wouldn't start again. I was able to free it a little turning the flywheel but I can feel where it catches and still won't start on its own. Any ideas what my stupidity is going to cost me?

You'll have to find out what sort of repairs it will need. Call some places that deal with Husqvarna riding mowers and inquire some costs, labor and parts.
Hope you have better luck

How do I get ride of wild mushrooms in my yard without using chemicals?


Mushrooms are not a "plant" themselves. They are the fruit of the fungi that is growing in the soil in your yard. Picking (or kicking) the mushrooms will no more get rid of them than picking oranges from a tree will kill the tree.
To get rid of the fungi, you need to change the conditions of the soil. Fungi thrive where there is water, and where there is organic material to feed off of. Most lawns have thatch, a build-up of grass clippings and other organic material that lays on the surface of the soil. This thatch absorbs the water that we intend for the grass, preventing it from getting to the roots and making a great home for fungi.
You can de-thatch the lawn. This is a major project using a power tool something like a cross between a lawn mower and a roto-tiller. It will pull up TONS of dead material that then needs to be dealt with (composted, or bagged up and trashed). On the plus side, this removes the organic material that the fungi is feeding off of, lets the surface soil dry out removing the water the fungi has to have, and allows you to water your lawn with a lot less water than you are now using.

A second way to get the water past the thatch is to aerate the lawn. There is a tool that punches holes through the thatch and lets the water penetrate down into the root zone of the grass. This removes some of the water from the thatch zone, allowing it to reach the roots more efficiently. Once again, this denys the fungi the water it has to have. It is not as effective as de-thatching, but less work. Again, it should reduce the amount of water you have to use to maintain the lawn.
How often/how much are you watering? Dry watering deeper (letting the water run longer) and less often. Check with a local garden supply to find out their recommendations for your area. Deep watering develops a better root structure on the plants and denies water to the surface, where the fungi grows.
Use a bagger on your lawnmower to reduce the amount of organic material on the surface.
Fertilize with a high-nitrogen material. This causes the organic material to break down a little faster.
Good Luck!

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