Selasa, 13 Agustus 2013

How can a 13 year old make money?

I live in the country. hardly anyone around me and i don't babysit and i cant mow 40 acers with a push-mower. what else can i do!!! and I DO NOT LIVE IN A SUBDIVISION WERE I CAN SELL LEMONADE OR YARD SALE!!

Living out in the country,that pretty much leaves doing your chores and getting paid by your parents.
Can you do wood carvings or other hand made crafts.
Your parents could take you to a flea market where you could sell them.
See a lot of spider webs in the fields? Get some white cardboard and different colors of spray paint.
Make sure there are no spiders on the webs,paint both sides of the web where they hang and stick the cardboard to the web. Spiderweb Art !
You might be able to sell the art for enough to cover the cost of the cardboard and paint and profit to save.

What is the benefit, if any, of buying a lawn mower with hydrostatic tranny?


I had one before and did not like it; if it stalled, you had to leave it where it stood because you could not push it. So what is the big deal about hydrostatic? Is it really a good thing rather than conventional tranny? I'm in the market for a new lawn tractor and most are hydro....

The biggest benefit at this point is that you get to spend more money on something that does not work so well. Stick with what works till they get hydrostatic working better.

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