best lawn mower deals uk image
So, I want to build a more substancial go kart. Something like the Arial Atom with the exoskeleton deal going on, but with a motorcycle engine. I might put a convertible system on it... how hard would that be? Maybe something like the Lambo Murcielago where you have to basically pin the roof on. What type of engine should I use? I can't use a lawn mower because it's not horizontal shaft. I was thinking of a dirt bike or a scooter or a motorcycle engine instead of a proper... go kart engine (http://www.edgetechnology.co.uk/honda_engines/engines/gx160.gif).
What engine should I use? I thought a motorcycle - I could have a speedo and all the gears etc already to rock. How much do you think it would cost for the engine? How big should it be? I want the kart to be able to push me and a friend around & maybe my dad...(~300lbs)... the frame (~600lbs?)...and everything else (~100lbs) That's 1000lbs... is that too heavy? So how many horses would I need to get this thing to roughly 45-55mph?
if you go 45-55 in a cart with no suspension you will bounce
up and tumble end over end until you are nothing but
chucky jelly
UK, USA, Australia or Canada... who's best, and give your reasons...?
UK. My reasons, we have Adele, Coldplay, The Beatles, Queen, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, The Rolling Stones, Mumford and Sons, Oasis, etc... America has Kesha and Canada has Justin Bieber and Australia has Cody Simpson, I know One Direction are British but they actually have good music. we INVENTED free health care after England was done with war, Canada thinks they did though but they just belong to British Commonwealth, other countries try and take credit for what England has done and hold England back and claim their people, even the Bee Gees were British but because they lived in Australia for a few years, Australians claim them as Aussies when they were born and raised in UK. We have Simon Cowell who invented X Factor and most other cool talent shows like Britain's got Talent and America's got Talent. We get free education and don't have to pay to go to school or college, we also have one of the best education systems. We have Kings, Queens, Princes and Princesses, Royal weddings are a big deal, we have the best history, you speak our English language, Britain invented the World Wide Web, Telephone and Television, I know other countries deny it but look it up, example, Tim Berners-Lee from London, UK invented the Internet and the two men who invented the television and the telephone are Scottish. And without England, America and Canada wouldn't exist since they used to belong to the British Monarchy. London is a cool place for tourism because we have Big Ben, London Bridge, Buckingham Palace, The London Eye, The tower of London, The house of parliament, etc... Our flag looks the best too. We are also the classiest. And we invented The Apprentice, The Office, Dr Who and Harry Potter and America gives us JERSEY SHORE?! America also made crappy remakes of British shows like Skins, Shameless, The Apprentice, The Office and now they are doing Sherlock and Misfts, I don't know how they even try to pull them off when most of the shows are based on British culture. And the whole of UK is not even the size of California and texas put together. We had a female prime minister YEARS ago, we are a lot less sexist, homophobic and judgmental than Americans in general. WE WIN.
Now, who do you think wins and what are your reasons? You can name another country too. Name as many reasons as you can.
UK. The United Kingdom is wonderfully diverse but not in the same way it is in many other places. Besides places like china town in London, most communities don't live in their own groups but equally throughout the country, more in major cities obviously. The United Kingdom has not just English, but other historic languages originating here as well which can include Welsh/Celtic, Cornish. The music is brilliant with some of the best music festivals I have ever seen. The incredible history going back before ancient Roman times offers unique architecture London. The National Health Service offers free health care and good health care to ALL citizens. The education system, although mistreated by many and taken for granted is, subject to opinion, very good. The politics is surprisingly fascinating, hilarious at points and most of its problems are usually exaggerated. The landscape of the countryside is beautiful with much to offer. I prefer British television because channels like those of the BBC mean that you can watch and enjoy a whole range of different programs, factual or fictional, Science - Fiction to lifestyle and non-commercialized plus there are great programs. I never liked Pop Idol, and I don't like the X factor or Britain's got talent but they started in this country and like many other programs including the office and top gear are just recreated for other county's sake. There's no need to pay for college or sixth-form, university is different. Britain in general has a smaller racism, sexism and homophobia problem than the USA and as guns are illegal, which I respect is also true for other countries, means less gun crime. London is the best city in the world. I have been to New York, Berlin, and many other places on holiday but London was and I think always will be the best. I like the fact its very difficult to get fired, if very difficult to get a job anyway. There is pride amongst the people, contrary to popular belief. You may hear many Muslim horror stories but according to a recent survey by the guardian, 83% of people are proud to be British. The location, easy access to mainland Europe and/or the Republic of Ireland. There are a great quantity of additional positives to say for the UK but my personal favorite, which you can interpret as a negative is the fact that it's so brilliantly diverse and this meeting of cultures provides so much for this country from food to music. There are negatives, the class system is still in working order, you can distinguish the lady from the tramp in every town or city. You can guarantee a drought every year in the south-east and binge-drinking lets the country down, I think. Australia beats us at weather and at spo- no I can't say it. Canada has a beautiful landscape with plenty to offer and the US offers there own romantic history from the 18th-20th centuries.They offer much to modern youth culture from TV to music to other forms of media. Every country has positives and negatives but my heart will remain with the United Kingdom.
I agree with 'A.' What a country offers to the rest of the world is important. The UK invented:
- Lawn Mower
- Microphones
- The world's most popular sports from football to cricket.
- "See the Wikipedia site below" Much was invented and discovered here.
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