Jumat, 02 Agustus 2013

Is it possible to register a riding lawn mower in the state of utah?

best lawn mower makes on Lawn Striping|How To Mow Stripes In Your Lawn
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Jason H

Hi, and thanks for looking. I am currently doing a hot rod riding lawn mower, and I was wondering if anyone knows if it's possible to make alterations to such a lawn mower, to make it street legal, and registered. I have looked far and near on Google, to no avail. If you could even just tell me the keywords I might use for better results, that would be great! I know it seems a little far out, but so am I. Thanks for looking!

No, it is Not possible

Why does my lawn mower make a screeching noise when I start it, and how do i fix it.?


I have a craftman push lawn mower. I can start but the noise is unbearable.
I have checked all possiblities on the exterior parts of lawn mower.

Have you made sure there isn't a piece of string or rope wrapped around the blade? You might wanna check that before you burn the engine up.

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