Ok so there like these 5 guys that always mess when im on the bus going home they go to school with me. they sit next to me and touch my legs and hit me playfully its annoying and when i walk away they say inappropriate comments to me and they do this alot, i tell them to stop but they never listen and my friends don't ever really help idk what to do?
As far as the touching, that is inappropriate and you have two clear options, either physically dominate them yourself by grabbing their hands any time they do what they do and telling them unwaveringly "Don't touch me," or report this to the bus driver and school administration. I'd personally suggest both as the school admin is SUPPOSED to help you.
The comments you can also mention but keep in mind, these people are fairly dim-witted and they act to get responses out of others. If you pay no heed to these comments, which are only empty , they'll stop. I used to take offense to "your mom" jokes because I was old-school and nobody insults your family. When I started to ignore entirely "your mom" jokes they stopped because they were no longer fun for the other guys.
Remember that some of these guys will never grow out of their habit of trying to draw attention. Eventually they'll try to buy a big expensive SUV, a riding lawnmower, and a house with a white-picket fence just to show off, but in fact they are poorer than beggars because they owe more money on all their property than they could ever make working their entire lives. Foreclosure will steal their prominence. Now, though, they make themselves big boys by making you unhappy so steal their prominence by treating empty words as such and tolerating none of their inappropriate touching. Draw a line in the sand and man up to defend it.
People respect strength. Have the courage to do what you think is right. Good habits developed now will mean a lot in the future.
As far as the touching, that is inappropriate and you have two clear options, either physically dominate them yourself by grabbing their hands any time they do what they do and telling them unwaveringly "Don't touch me," or report this to the bus driver and school administration. I'd personally suggest both as the school admin is SUPPOSED to help you.
The comments you can also mention but keep in mind, these people are fairly dim-witted and they act to get responses out of others. If you pay no heed to these comments, which are only empty , they'll stop. I used to take offense to "your mom" jokes because I was old-school and nobody insults your family. When I started to ignore entirely "your mom" jokes they stopped because they were no longer fun for the other guys.
Remember that some of these guys will never grow out of their habit of trying to draw attention. Eventually they'll try to buy a big expensive SUV, a riding lawnmower, and a house with a white-picket fence just to show off, but in fact they are poorer than beggars because they owe more money on all their property than they could ever make working their entire lives. Foreclosure will steal their prominence. Now, though, they make themselves big boys by making you unhappy so steal their prominence by treating empty words as such and tolerating none of their inappropriate touching. Draw a line in the sand and man up to defend it.
People respect strength. Have the courage to do what you think is right. Good habits developed now will mean a lot in the future.
I need a riding landmower trailer any body no where to get one for cheap.?

i need a riding lawnmower trailer any body no where to get one for cheap. because i own a grass cutting bussiness and now i getting a lot of calls and i do not no where to get a trailer for cheap so i can carry my riding lawnmower around any body have any where ez 10 points.
Check Craigslist! I have had great luck with buying and selling things there. It is free to browse and free to post so people often use it to easily dispose of things they no longer need for a cheap price. Some people as you may imagine always try to get more than they should but you may get lucky and find a great deal from somebody who just does not want the trailer taking up the driveway or yard any longer. I got rid of mine that way! I sold it for next to nothing as I just wanted it gone. Good luck!
Check Craigslist! I have had great luck with buying and selling things there. It is free to browse and free to post so people often use it to easily dispose of things they no longer need for a cheap price. Some people as you may imagine always try to get more than they should but you may get lucky and find a great deal from somebody who just does not want the trailer taking up the driveway or yard any longer. I got rid of mine that way! I sold it for next to nothing as I just wanted it gone. Good luck!
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