I'm going to start to mow my parent's lawn and don't yet have a lawn mower. I need one that is somewhat affordable but wont take much effort to use. I've heard that Hondas are great, but they are priced a little too high for me. I'm looking for more in the $200 - $300 area (or cheaper.) What do you think i should get. Leave some links please :P
I looked this up in consumer reports and they rated them like this 1) Lawn boy 10640 ($240) 2) Cub Cadet 11a-18mc $240 3) Craftsman 38909 ($220). 4) Husqvarna 6021p (200). The Husqvarna was rated the best buy. All these are just regular push mowers. All the self propelled are around 400 to 700 dollars.
I looked this up in consumer reports and they rated them like this 1) Lawn boy 10640 ($240) 2) Cub Cadet 11a-18mc $240 3) Craftsman 38909 ($220). 4) Husqvarna 6021p (200). The Husqvarna was rated the best buy. All these are just regular push mowers. All the self propelled are around 400 to 700 dollars.
Best affordable self-propelled mower?
I want to know what is the best affordabble self-propelled lawn mower available.
Lawn is not too big and it's pretty level. I don't want to spend more than $250. I want a self-propelled cause it would make it easier for my 65 year old dad to mow the lawn. I'm interested in a Craftman 37665 from Sears, but learned from the customers' reviews that the wheels are plastic and cheap. Here's the link to the model I like: http://www.sears.com/sr/javasr/product.do?BV_UseBVCookie=Yes&vertical=LAWN&cat=Lawn+Mowers&subcat=Rear+Bag+Mowers&pid=07137665000
but I'm worried about the review of 2 customers that got a defective mower.
Thanks to all who took the time to answer, tho none of your answers were helpful. I decided to buy the Craftman 37666, which cost $40 more than I wanted to pay, so now I'm trying to find Sears discount coupon codes online. No more answers needed.
Lawn Boy, Sears, Murray.
Lawn Boy, Sears, Murray.
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