Minggu, 14 Juli 2013

estimate how long it would take one person to mow a football field. assume that the mower moves 1km/h?

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best 54 lawn mower image

Rodiah Raz

1)estimate how long it would take one person to mow a football field using an ordinary home lawn mower. assume that the mower moves with a 1km/h speed and has a 0.5 width.
2)the diameter of the moon is 3480 km. what is the volume of the moon? how many moons would be needed to create a volume equal to that of earth?

A Canadian Football Field is 65 yards wide, by 150 yards long.

There are 3 feet in a yard, 12 inches in a foot, and 2.54 cm in an inch.

In other words, the field is 59.436 metres wide, and 137.16 metres long.

The most efficient method would be to multiply the width and length to get area, then divide by mower width to get distance.

Area = 8152 metres squared.

Mower path lenght = 8152 / 0.5 m = 16304 metres, or about 16 km.

16 km divided by 1 km / hr = 16 hours.

Or, if you keep all the precision in your calculator, 16 hr, 18 min, 16.14 seconds.

For the moon, Volume = 4/3 pi r^3, and r = d/2.

The radius of earth is approx 6378 km.

Volume of moon: 2.206 x 10 ^ 10 km^3.

Volume of earth: 1.086x10^12 km^3.

Ratio: 49.24 moons could fit inside earth, if some moons were ground up to fit in between other moons..

If you consider "packing fraction", leaving space between solid whole moons, then you could fit about 74% or less than the 49 .24 above. ie: 36 or fewer whole moons would fit inside an earth sized spherical container.

What brand of a zero turn mower doe's the best job at cutting grass?

Steve H

I now have a zero turn mower but if I go full speed it doe's not cut the grass perfect, there are some blades of grass that don't get cut.

I have a Hustler Z turn mower. They were the inventor of the zero turn lawn mower and I love it. Mine is a Fastrak model, which is the consumer model made for people cutting once or twice a week with lawns around 1 to 5 acres. The cost is fairly hefty ($5,300) but not much more than the much less quality Zturn mowers you will see a Lowe's or Home Depot. It gets much more expensive if you are to look into the professional lawn mowers. ($6-8k) Since mine mows with a 54 inch cut at 8 mph it works great.

If your yard is flat you can go with a larger cut, but if you have a hilly landscape you will want a smaller deck.
Something else to consider is what brand of Motor. You will usually find a choice of motor in a higher end mower. I have looked around and if you check out many of the professional landscapers around here you will find what ever brand lawn mower - the engines are usually made by Kawasaki. I guess that they have the most torque.

To keep the cost down I actually went in partners with a neighbor friend. I wouldn't recommend that to just anyone, but we wrote up a contract and it works for us.

Best of luck in your research.

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