Kamis, 12 September 2013

How long can my grass be?

best lawn mower nz on best sellers the new york times best sellers children s books ...
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I live in Wisconsin i have broken lawn mower. Neighbor threatening to call home owners association on me, even tho my grass really ain't that long. how do i find out how long it could be or a way to contact them or find the info online for Wisconsin Home Owners Association
I don't own my house but she owns hers and no i didn't get any such info.

I thought the US was the land of the free. You don't have to cut your lawn in NZ . buy a sheep.

what size extension cord do you need for an electric lawn mower & the section is an quarter acre with a slope?

Q. i don't no how many watts the lawn mower is as the sticker is faded

Not really enough info to give a definitive answer, but i would get a few medium sized cords so you can use them for other things around the house or garden, even if it's a large one.

NZ rules
just saying

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