Rabu, 11 September 2013

Noise reduction headphones good for Autistic teen?

best lawn mower headphones on Cordless Rechargeable Infrared Headset System - Sporty's Tool Shop
best lawn mower headphones image


My little brother is deathly afraid of movie theaters. He went once but the loud speakers scared him so much, and he's never gone back. However there is a movie coming out that he really really wants to watch :D We were thinking of getting him a pair of noise reduction headphones, but we're not sure if they'll work D: He doesn't want to completely eliminate the noise, but just enough so it would freak him out.
Do any of you know if an affordable pair will be good enough to do the job?

When I wear a pair of ear-muffs whilst mowing the lawn,I can still hear the mower but at a very reduced level.I think that this may also work quite well with your brother's problem.

Bose QC3 headphones good at filtering out EXTERNAL sounds?

Robert W

I live in an condo complex with some very inconsiderate neighbors who play their music as loudly as they please. I have a white noise machine, but it doesn't really help with the bass. The bass is what's driving me crazy. Talking to these people doesn't work because one is literally out of her mind, and the other just seems to not really care. I have foam earplugs (STC 30) from Home Depot, but they don't really do much to filter out the bass other. I was curious if anyone has tried the Bose QC3 headphones in an attempt to filter out noises like that. Does it work well?

The Bose QC3 and Bose QC2s do an awesome job filtering acoustic noise such as a jet engine, a lawn mower, ect. If suppose you had some music through the QCs it might help you. The best thing you could do is try them. Bose offers a 30 Money back policy for you to try them out. How ever in this case id suggest the Bose QC2s.

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