Selasa, 03 September 2013

How many quarts of oil for a John Deere d100 lawn tractor?

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I lost my operator's manual. How many quarts of oil does a JD d100 riding mower need when changing oil?

2 quarts will do the trick. In Canada it says add 1.9 litres and that is pretty much the same.

why is construction material cheaper in the US as compared to Canada?


My neighbours have bought PVC fences by driving to Minot at almost half the price what they would have paid in Canada ? why is that ?

Sometimes its based on volume (the big US stores have more purchasing power than the equivalent Canadian chains in many cases). Soem things are only available in the US because they may not meet Canadian standards, and the Canadian product is more because of the increased standard required (a lot of small engine products like lawn mowers, generators, etc fit in this category.) Manufacturing costs in the US tend to be lower than Canada for many products. The really interesting thing though, is that a lot of wood products come from Canada, and are available for less in the US than in the country of origin. Go figure...

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