Senin, 04 November 2013

What type of lawn mower do you recommend?

best lawn mower zoysia grass on Turf Grass
best lawn mower zoysia grass image
Q. I have a small back yard (20' x 30') and love the way the grass looks once it has been cut with a gas lawn mower. However, I want to get rid of the gas mower and considering a reel or electric mower. Would the reel mower give it the same look as the gas mower does? I have Zoysia grass. Opinions?? Thanks!

I highly recommend a McLane 17" front throw reel mower. With the grass catcher.
I've been using mine for over 7 years and is without a doubt the best reel mower out there. Easy to push and maintain. I Never use a rotary mower on zoysia grass. I own a maintenance company and only mow properties with Bermuda, zoysia, or paspalum grasses. It's perfect for areas I can't get a heavy mower into. My zoysia grass is maintained at 350 mm.
You will be able to get a closer, or lower elevated cut on your zoysia, which in my opinion looks better. You will be able to scalp your grass at the lowest setting to dethatch your lawn when needed also.
The first few cuts will be a learning experience and there will be bald spots on any areas where the soil is not level under the grass. Rolling it will solve that problem.

What happens if my Zoysia grass lawn is cut/ mowed too short?


My father-in-law was in town last week. He took it upon himself to mow our lawn, but failed to realize our mower has a flat tire. My poor lawn received the punishment. I know Zoysia grass is not supposed to be shorter than 1- 1.5 inches. But none of the information I find actually says what happens if it gets cut too short! Will my lawn die? What's going happen exactly? How long will it take for the grass to grow back and look healthy again? Please, your help is needed.
The current height of the grass is about 1/2 an inch.

The grass will probably grow back it is pretty persistent. I would say just give it a dose of fertilizer if yo haven't done so this spring and don't worry about it . As long as it is not cut that short on a regular basis it will survive.

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