Kamis, 05 Desember 2013

classic vw bug need some help?

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Austin H

so im thinking about getting a bug for my first car my mom loves the idea and loves that theyre cheap
i was hoping to get a convertable and turn it into a baja bug is there anything i should know before i get into this? i dont have the bug yet so i should figure this stuff out
what are the goods and bads of a bug? specifically a convertable baja bug
oh and would i be able to take the baja bug camping? like could it handle light trails? i live in colorado so mountains are all over
and i was going to be a mechanic would this be a good car to learn off of? and could it haul maybe three lawn mowers? i repair them as a side job

Austin: A couple of responses to your questions and extras

1) If you are talking about a 'classic' convertible you are NOT talking about cheap. A good one, fully restored and in daily driver shape, will be worth about $8 to $12,000. Showroom quality will bring up closer to $18,k (Check eBay's completed auctions for an idea of price vs. condition)

Secondly, convertibles are rarer then bugs.. if you find one and start whacking away at it you will lose a bunch of its value right off the bat.

2) Ok.. dunebuggy AND street legal. You are talking about the old Myer's Manx type kits. A nice idea and best done with an old but with a bit of surface rust. Make sure the structural elements are still good (posts and framework).

3) Engine.. if you put in a 1700 engine and do regular maint. it should handle light (dirt) trails pretty easily. Just remember to keep cleaning the air cleaner and hose out the cooling fan / fins after any dirty ride. Maint. is the big key. MONTHLY oil changes.

4) Do not plan on being warm in the winter. The engine provides interior heat and it is too efficient to warm up with Colorado's snowy winter. This is good for the engine but sucks for the driver. So keep this in mind. ESPECIALLY if you hack off the top of a regular bug.

5) If you want to haul lawn mowers get an el camino or an old truck. The bug will not work very well for that.

6) Its a great engine to learn to work on. It is simple and easy to deal with for routine things - pretty much like your lawn mower engines. Just buy yourself an old 'how to keep it running' book from the 70's. (available on eBay as a reprint - xerox edition)

7) Back to the cutting off the roof part. The frame of the bug provides structural integrity to the car. If you cut the pilar posts and top off you will weaken the car. The convertible has extra stiffenng.

8) Lastly, if you MUST take it out in the snow, put some extra weight in the front (sandbags). This keeps the light front end ( you can actually pick it up in the front by yourself) from 'sking' an losing contact with the ground which makes steering a new adventure.

good luck.. if I were you *I* would go for it.


My husband thinks our 4.5 month old needs to watch...?


the 11 o'clock news or something. She has really been fighting sleep here for the past week or so, and around 7 she gets fussy...rubbing eyes...etc. and if I rock her she will fight sleep and kick against me, in crib she will cry...this starts around 7 and continues for a couple hours till she is exhausted. She used to be out by 7ish and now she is tired but wont let go. So last night I do the whole "put her down before she gets real tired" thing and same scenario and then a fight ensued between hub and I because he says "she is not a robot and if she wants to stay up late let her." Yeah, fine and all but her sitting on the couch watching Letterman w/ her dad is not the way I want to do it and I think that her getting used to this is attributing to her fighting sleep...she is getting used to falling asleep on the couch for the past few days and it is getting worse...and she is exhausted!!!! But continues to fight...and bedtime has turned into a 4 hour long battle (already)....
...and to let you know how last night went...lets just say I woke up this morning w/ my dear daughter asleep next to me in my bed. I am all for some that co-sleep, but I REALLY WANT her to be able to sleep in her crib soon and be able to let herself fall asleep when she is tired...and before the part where she gets overly tired. What am I doing wrong?? She is not 2....she is only 4.5 months and still sooooo little. But when she cries and I go check on her every few minutes she will scream (in a happy way) stop crying and kick all around like "get me get me get me" and I do....

our baby has gotten like this but is almost 7 mths now . mommy broke out the travel stroller and walks him in this in the house when it is too cold to go outside and when it is warm enough I place him on my shoulders and go for a half mile hike or ride the lawn mower with him on my lap ,however we are in a warm climate and I realize it may be winter where you are ....
I beleive the baby is in control and will do what the baby wants and there is nothing I can do about it .......
I am not an expert in babies and sleep and this is our first (and hopefuly only??)
sometimes when I get too tired dealing with my son,if he will let me I will let him rest on my lap or beside me in the recliner and watch tv until he gets tired enough for bed .....
it can get really stressful between a couple with different attempts at the same end which seems like we are fighting against each other . both trying to do their best the only way they can think of ......
just remember you are both dealing with an insane situation and possibly you are both a little insane yourselves right now ...
good luck
:- }K

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