Senin, 30 Desember 2013

Can you jump start a rider lawn mower?

best lawn mower riders on The Mustang RZT is a riding lawn mower from Troy Bilt. Built with zero ...
best lawn mower riders image


I didn't use my rider lawn mower since last summer. Now that I tried starting it, it's just making a clicking sound. i am assuming the battery is dead. What should I do? Can it be jumped like a car, or do I just get a new battery? Thanks so much for your help!

get the battery charged

Is it better to drain the gas in a rider lawn mower, or put a gas stabilizer in?


I am going to cover my lawn mower up, and store it outside. I am not sure which option is better for it. Thanks for your help with this!

I always just run the mower till the gas is gone. I used stabilizer once and guess what, next spring the mower and weed whacker wouldn't start. (been cutting grass for 35 years now) never leave gas in there over the winter as the gas can gum up the carb.if you run it you know there will be NO gas left in the carb where as if you drain it there may still be gas in the cab as the carb comes after the drain line.

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