Rabu, 01 Januari 2014

I dont know how to use my self propelled lawn mower?

best lawn mower women on electric lawn mower may suit you if you have a relatively small lawn ...
best lawn mower women image

Chelsea S

This is my first time that I will have to mow the lawn by myself. I have no clue how to use my lawn mower. It is self propelled. Do I need oil and gas and stuff and how do I operate it? I know it sounds like a stupid question but I really need help!

Yes... you will need to buy a gallon of gas from the store. Most of the time people use this red heavy plastic container with a spout of some sort on it. Whoever cut your grass before bought and stored gas in something, so the red container is probably around somewhere. Take the cap off of likely gas containers and sniff for strong gas smell. There are precautions when getting a gallon of gas. Your container goes on the floorboard - never the seat. Windows are kept open for ventilation and NO smoking by anyone in the car. The inside of your gas container should have nothing but a tiny amount of gas in it. No leaves or dirt and especially no water.Empty out the tiny bit of residual gas out in a grassy spot away from any buildings. If the container is dirty with leaves and soil discard the container and get a new one. You should use about 1 gallon for a normal yard and will have to refill your mower gas tank about 2 maybe 3 times out of this one gallone. The gas tank on the side of the mower is not large and be careful not to over fill and over flow. Store you container in a safe dry spot.
Don't worry about oil at this time.
The lawn mower: You cannot learn how to do this over the internet. Starting a lawnmower is going to flip you out if you have never started one before. You need someone to come show up how to do it all. A neighbor is a good choice. It does not have to be a man. Most women end up being lawn maintenance connoisseurs as life progresses. If you have relatives ask one of them to come over and show you what to do. You will probably need to be shown twice, so if you do not get it the first time, don't worry about it. Someone from your church is another option.
You are going to find cutting grass very awkward if you have never done it before. But after one spring and summer of doing it you might find it a satisfying chore. You see results immediately and it takes a little effort (but not much with a self-propelled) and is exercise. I tend to zen out when cutting grass.
I'm sorry I cannot just tell you how to pull the cord while holding in the bar and getting your idle correct and all that. Your mentor will show you All this. One other thing: Before you start mowing search through your yard for pieces of wire, metal and/or glass. Things flying out of the side of the mower with the grass cuttings can be dangerous. You do not want to find this out for yourself. Flying rocks can break windows. There are all kinds of precautions to take. Safety is a big priority.
Good luck and do not get discouraged. If you have a little daughter now or someday make sure she knows how to do mow the lawn , and change car tires and how to check ALL the fluids in a car.

What does it mean when a guy moves too fast?


I am very worried about my friend. She just started dating this guy and he's buying her a ton of gifts. For example, a new lawn mower and new eyeglasses. He buying expensive gifts almost every day. They hardly know each other. Oh, and the guy is still legally married, but claims to want a divorce. I just have a bad feeling about their relationship. What does it mean when a guy buys a woman many expensive gifts without getting to know her first?

hmm, well, i think that ur friend should give them all back, dump him and she should say âim sorry, things r comin too fast, i think we should break up.... g`byeâ

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