Sabtu, 21 Desember 2013

will it be possible that one day, we all drive Hybrids Cars?

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i been dying to see this in the united states....and to get rid of gas pumps, but something tells me that this government, the one in charge for the past 15 years, that they love oil and DO NOT want to see a change in the car industry, because oil is profitable...but my question is this...what can this government, this new one (obama administration) do to change the streets, to make the US liek the US we see in iRobot or in Babylon A.D.....what is gonna take to each of us OWN a hybrid by 2020??

im looking to buy the new Prius, either a 2010, 11, or a 2012 Toyota Prius, just because i want to see clean air and no CO2.

hybrids still use gas, they're just a more fuel efficient way which actually isn't a whole lot better than a regular gas engine

also just so you know, most of the CO2 and gases in the air isn't from vehicles, most of it it actually from small 2 stroke engines like in lawn mowers, weed eaters, some boat engines, stuff like that, everybody has been trying to make vehicles better on the environment but nobody has even thought about making those small engines better for the environment, nobody thinks about the lawnmowers with the smoke pouring out but God forbid people (like me) are driving full size trucks or suvs when most of those people need that, when in fact i bet a single push mower emits more gasses and pollution than my 98 Chevy Silverado Z71 with a 5.7L 350 V8

What do you think about putting graphic images on cigarette packs?


So they want to do this by some time in 2012 - images of damaged lungs, dead bodies, and such on at least 50% of cigarettes sold.
What do you think about this? Is it constitutional? Why (really I mean HOW) does the government have the authority to alter the design of a company's product?
Do you think it will achieve the end they want? Why haven't they been talking about doing this with food or alcohol? Of all drugs, alcohol affects your body the most.
Cancer, emphysema, amputations, etc... these results aren't even typical!
As far as bad food goes, being fat is typical. And what about the crap they put in food (MSG, trans fat, HFCS, etc, etc)? Are the adverse effects of those typical? Absolutely. Why aren't there warning labels on them? Or why aren't they pushing it?
Additionally, even if it does work - everybody quits smoking, and tobacco companies go out of business, whatever - wtf is up with the government? The government would be pushing people out of business!
Personally, I think they are putting their big noses where they don't belong. This ought to be up to parents, and one's own judgment.
So just tell me your opinion, and why you think that. Or just say whether you support it or not.
@ The CRYING Potato - the government keeps tobacco legal because they have no right to make it illegal.
@ The CRYING Potato - the government keeps tobacco legal because they have no right to make it illegal.

Yep. You're right. It's BS. Why not put pictures of disgusting, damaged teeth on Coke products? How about mutilated body parts pictures on lawn mowers, because improper use, you know, could cause that damage? It's idiotic to single-out cigarettes, no matter if you smoke or not.

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