Senin, 10 Maret 2014

Do you cry when you mow the lawn?


No way! I have a riding lawn mower with a cup holder for my beer. I giggle when I mow the lawn!

question about lawns patches and regrowth?


i have a green lawn but i have two patches 20X20 with dead grass, i also have very dull grass with soil which is showing in one area
how can i regrow it?
what products do i use?

I am a yard person who's in-law is a farmer. Believe it or not, he states that CORNMEAL placed in a spreader works like a natural fungicide in the soil. Beer breaks down thatch because the barley with sunlight decomposes any layer of material that gets in the way of watering. A mulching mower will increase nitrogen in your yard due to the break down of grass clippings. These are cheap and inexpensive techniques you can do, and turn your yard around quickly. The only other item to suggest is to get a bag of rich soil and aerate your yard, water, water, water this should give a good response. I cannot speak to the patches, it could be a fungus, insects or a soil imbalance. You should get a soil sample done by a yard service, so they can tell you the reasons for the lawn patches instead of guessing.

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