Selasa, 17 September 2013

How can a 13 year old kid get $500 asap?

best lawn mower under 500 on May | 2009 | People Powered Machines
best lawn mower under 500 image

Nicholas B

I am a 13 year old mature kid and I need to get $500 dollars asap for my lawn mowing business with went under when our lawn mower got ruined in the rain. I have proven I am capable so I am saving for a riding mower. I need $500 and I was wondering if anyone knew how. Please don't say mow lawns because that's what I need. Thanks

Your Parents!!!!! What are they there for????? Good Luck

Home owners insurance cover property damage caused by a lawnmower?

kathy h

cutting grass a rock flew out from under the lawn mower knocking three small holes in the siding of my house. i just need to replace three strips of siding so bees and other bugs don't nest inside the siding causing a larger problem.

I doubt it. Most likely your deductible is probably $250 or $500 and you can probably get this fixed for less than that. You or your signifigant other can probably help you do it as it really isn't that hard if you ahve some siding available. Just go on-line and look for how to do it or buy a "how to" book that has it in it. If you don't have any left over, see if you can order only a few pieces from who ever put it on your house. They may have some left over from an old job that you can buy. If not, you will probably need to order an entire box which will quickly cost more than your deductible and you'll have a lot of siding left over to store for future mis-haps.

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