Senin, 16 September 2013

How does a $1000 lawn mower create 50 jobs?

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Steve W

There are numerous conflicting figures with the number of jobs created or saved and where this stimulus money is going. What's going on?

Well, George buys the mower, then finds Manuel standing in front of the 7-11 & asks him if he'll cut lawns for $2.50 an hour. Manuel says "Si". George then gets more grass cutting jobs that are too much even for the "will do jobs Americans won't do for non-living wages" illegal immigrant Manuel, so George tells Manuel to get some of his relatives to help out. Manuel goes home to his one room apartment & get 49 relatives & other illegal immigrants to help out cutting lawn.

Viola! 50 new jobs! taxes collected, tho', 'cause George is paying Manuel & his buds under the table. After taking a little off the top for, you keep ICE from finding out.

What can I do with 1000 dollars?


Does anyone know what type of business' I can start with 1000 dollars?

a bucket.. some rags.. start a car washing and detailing business.. or get a vacum..mop ..broom.. bucket.. rags.. start a house cleaning business.. get a lawn mower and a rake start a yard cleaning business..don't for get to get license for it.. that way you can put it in the paper or phone book .. under business

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