Rabu, 18 September 2013

How to get rid of weeds without pesticides?

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best lawn mower bermuda grass image


Hi my lawn is more weeds then grass. After buying a riding lawn mower and keeping the grass short, I hoped to prevent weeds from spreading. Bought a roofing blowtorch and fried some of the weeds, only to see them come back within a week. How about extra firtilizer, dethatching the lawn and even seeding grass seeds in the fall. What helps best other than plowing it under and using poison.

I would prefer you to be more specific. What types of weeds are you talking about? Most people don't realize that almost all grass types are THEMSELVES considered weeds, just weeds we like looking at.

I used to be a landscaper here in Arizona, where there are two main types of grass (by main, I mean most popular for the conditions here): Rye grass for winter and Bermuda grass for summer months.

Most NOXIOUS weeds (dandelions, clover and such) or types of grass you DON'T want (Johnson grass or Nutt's Edge grass) will just get a better foothold if you dethatch your lawn. Dethatching basically rips the grass you DO want into smaller sections, sometimes damaging the roots. Dethatching is more to knock back overthatched (or thickly grown) lawn grasses such as Bermuda.

While dandelions will grow most anywhere and in any conditions, clover will only take hold in barren spots, like what you have after dethatching. I would recommend a "Weed and Feed" type fertilizer, which gives nutrients to specific grasses but will kill weeds.

For Nutt's Edge grass we tried an experiment. Once Nutts Edge gets into an area, (typically an area which floods fairly often) it's almost impossible to get rid of and spreads quickly. We had a small area of Nutt's Edge. We pounded some short wooden stakes (like grading stakes) into the ground around the infected area and attached clear polyetheline across the tops of the stakes so that the plastic isn't lying right on the grass area. After about a week of intense sunshine (remember, I'm in Arizona) the Nutt's Edge was dead (well, EVERYTHING was dead- we pretty much baked, well, sterilized, the ground). We then went in , dug the ground up and replaced it with sod. Never had THAT weed there again. But I would need a lot more detail on what your particular cicumstances are to give you good advice.

Any advice for ridding yard of Bermuda Grass?

linda c

My lawn is full of Bermuda grass. HELP! Do I have to kill the whole lawn?

Bermuda propagates itself with stolons underground. Unless you can afford to remove the top 8" of soil from your yard, replace the soil and re-sod you are gonna eventually have a Bermuda grass lawn. If you leave so much as just one stolon under the walk or driveway, the Bermuda will return. If your neighbors have any Bermuda, it is hopeless.
Bermuda actually makes a good lawn carpet. On the down side the stuff itches like crazy when you get it on you, but for some reason chiggers don't like it and won't live in it. here in Arizona it is the summer lawn of choice, come fall we simply cut it as low as our mowers will allow and over-seed with a cool weather annual grass. When the Bermuda returns from dormancy in the spring it will again green up and take back over the yard.

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