Senin, 23 Desember 2013

How can I reduce my grass clippings?

best lawn mower for 6 acres on ... Variable Speed Self-Propelled Walk-Behind Mower, Compare Lawn Mowers
best lawn mower for 6 acres image


I have approx. 6 acres of grass that i need to cut and i also need to keep the clippings down. I live in central NJ and have a zturn mower. I currently leave the clippings on the grass but it makes it look so bad because of the amount of clippings that turn brown after a while and they just sit on top of the grass instead of sinking down into it.

Move your blade up and cut less tops. Cut more often if that is what it takes. If you are looking for a lawn type finish, then 3 inches is minimum height for health and minimal water use. Never cut off more than one-third of total height in any case. If it all just gets nuts, get the neighbor down the way to cut it with a hay mower, rake it and bale.

How many miles is it to mow this yard?


It's a 1.03 acre property with a house with a 600 square foot footprint, a circular pool that's 18 feet wide, a driveway that's about 10x30 feet. The mower seems to have a cutting area of 20 inches. What's the minimum amount of travel a lawn mower would go to mow this lawn?

[ ( 1.03 (43560) - 600 - Ï (9)² - 300 ) ] / (5/3)
= 26227.6 ft ~ 4.97 miles

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