Selasa, 24 Desember 2013

searching for web site on restoration of mowett sales mustangs?

best victa lawn mower on Walk Behind Mowers | Domestic Products | Victa Lawncare - Lawn Mowers ...
best victa lawn mower image


mustang lawn mowers were made in Odessa M.O. I need to restore two. Please help with web info or other info avaible.

Here's a couple links for info and parts.

Your local library will have or can get, lawn mower repair books you can borrow.

how to convert a lawn mover motor witch has a vertical shaft into a horizontal shaft,?


i have considered buying a victa cylinder mower and getting the horizontal shaft engine from that but i want an easier alternative is there a way, i have heard that it is easier with a 2 stroke so if possible please help
i want to make a go kart
both answers are great

I agree with the other answer that you have to a point.
You will be able to do this with a 2 stroke engine. You will have to fabricate a chassis to mount the thing on and when you do, make sure the fuel tank is up top (obviously!).
I am not familiar with a victa cylinder mower but if you get hold of a normal rotary and attempt to put it on it's side, you might still be okay.
The crank case on a victa 2 stroke is sealed and it relies on the oil mixed fuel for lubrication. A four stroke wont do this as it has a sump BTW. Once right, you could fit a pulley to the crank and take power off that way.
With the victa, get in touch for the other mods you may have to make. For instance, aircleaner and cable mods may be needed and the carby and float chamber will need to remain upright. While a victa looks fairly basic, if any one aspect is out of sorts, you are in big trouble!
Like most 2 strokes, they are touchy, and there may be things in relation to 'porting' that may stop you cold.
Best of luck with this, love the idea but be it on your own head.
You did not say what you wanted to power with it??
I might be able to suggest something else a, lateral, pardon the pun!
PS I learned to ride a motorbike on a 2 stroke so have an idea or two....

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