Minggu, 02 Maret 2014

Is the u.s. greed for oil giving them what they deserve?


..the situation in the gulf of mexico!!

Well yeah! But then Europe and Asia are just as greedy.
They too suffer ecological disasters in their hunger for fuel; oil or not. These days it's more than just greed for oil it has become a necessary evil and if we don't have it then we don't have computer casings, keyboard panels, plastic bags, tons of toys for the kiddies, styrofoam cups for camp litter and foam padding to put our oil spun sleeping bags on when we go to the provincial or state camping park.
Without the oil we would not have our saran wrap and our bottled water, we would have to do without the hard knobs on our machinery like snow blowers, lawn mowers, tripods, and chairs. We wouldn't have synthetic shoes to work out in and a vast amount of tools would have to be replaced with hardwoods for the handles and support guides. We'd have to use an inordinate amount of aluminium or pot metal to house and case the shop machines in our DIY basements.
No oil means no diesel trucks, trains, planes or automobiles. That means we do without the radishes from Brazil, the sugar cane from Jamaica, the dates from Turkey, or the pomegranates from Israel. We would have no bananas or oranges in the markets and exotic foods would come shipped dry or powdered because Kiwi's from New Zealand would rot before they got to the market stalls. No oil means no transportation of huge quantities.
We need the oil to lubricate the sewing machine, to grease the swivel chairs that are mostly oil based products of plastic and synthetic material anyways.
Yeah it looks like we are greedy ... but the reality is that we are living in a luxurious world that goes far beyond the need for gas. It goes into the necessity for oil.
That or give up your toilet paper, along with damn near everything else you've touched or used today.
I think we deserve what has happened in the gulf because of the lack of foresight, the poor planning, the inept procedures, the complete disregard for the safety of the rig that failed....
We the men and women deserve it; the plant life and animal life do not deserve it at all.

What is the most influential country EVER?

olly d

My friend (whos American) sais America,but America is a baby country that was founded by English people and Americans speak English,the English do not speak American!

My country Italy had an impact with the Romans.

The British without a doubt!

Reasons being...

1.Britain started the Industrial Revoloution and were the first country to become industrialised.

2.Britain took over much of the world with the British Empire.

3.Look how much of the world speaks English and the English language is the number 1 language for buisness.

4.Japan Trade and Inventions MITI did a study to find out which country invented the most things,they concluded Britain was responsible for inventing 54% of the worlds most important inventions.

Look at British and Italian inventions,pretty much everything we use and take for granted in everyday life comes from Britain and Italy. The underground,police forces/sherrif,Banks,Universities,Trains,Jet Engine,Tin Cans,Fridges,Flush Toilets,Television,Cats eyes in the road,Light switch and Light Bulb (Light bulb was Joseph Swan),Special Forces,Computers, World Wide Web (NOT the internet but the WWW dot),Lawn Mowers, Mouse Traps,Cork Screws,Scuba Diving Gear,Radar,Submarine,Military Tank,Machine Gun,I-pods/didgital MP3 players,Hover craft,ice cream,Pizza,Telescope,Radio,Fax,Telephone,Syringes,Needles,MRI Scans,Suspension Bridges,Rubber/Rubber Tyres. The list realy is ENDLESS...

5.Much of Americas TV shows are just copies of sucessfull British shows.

6.Britain has fought pretty much every world power in History,sometimes many at a time and hardly ever lost.

7.Britain is one of the worlds biggest military exporters and much worlds Military tech actually comes from Britain. There biggest Military company is 'BAE Systems' who are worldwide.

8.Britain is responsible for some of the worlds biggest bands/singers The Beatles,Rolling Stones,The Who,Pink Floyd,Queen,Spice Girls,Amy Winehouse,Adele and many many more.

The Beatles hold the record for most sucessfull boy band in history and the Spice Girls hold the record for most sucessfull girl band.

9.Britain founded America and populated America,Canada,Australia,New Zealand among others.

The list realy is endless...

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