Sabtu, 08 Maret 2014

Which lawn mower should i take?


My dad and i usually mow 6 lawns on saturdays today we did 5 that are next to eachother the other one is far away so we did 5 we have a 33 in walk behind mower that is heavy and a 21 in walk behind like for home use i like the 21 in better because it stripes but its not as powerful and the 33 in is better its faster and powerful i just cant unload that good because it always slips and i dont want to mess it up and my dads not gonna be there im doing it by myself which one should i take the lawn is 1/4 of an acre plus backyard which is small

benefit vs risk : the big mower will get you done a little faster, but the risk is damaging you or the machine when you unload it. The little mower will stripe and you can use it easier, unload it faster, and feel more comfortable.

For a 1/4 acre lot, I'd take the little one, no worries!

Push (reel) mower and grass clippings?

White Pola

I use self-propelled mower. It cuts the grass into tiny pieces that fall back to the yard and decompose quickly, letting the nutruition back to the yard and redcue the needs for fertilizer.

Push (reel) mower is environmental friendly becasue it doesn't produce air and noise pollution. However, it doesn't cut the grass to pieces like the gas lawn-mower. Will it cause thatch problem if the grass left in the lawn?
This question really originated from a dicussion in the environment forum where people are asking how "green" a reel mower is. I am not planning to replace mine.

Thatch isn't cause by clippings, it is formed by a layer of dead roots and stems in an unhealthy lawn. The real mower should do just fine, as long as you don't wait until the grass is 6 inches high to mow it. I used one on my old lawn for several years and never had issues. I'd still use one, but I'm not about to try to mow an acre of grass with a push mower.

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