I'm going to start to mow my parent's lawn and don't yet have a lawn mower. I need one that is somewhat affordable but wont take much effort to use. I've heard that Hondas are great, but they are priced a little too high for me. I'm looking for more in the $200 - $300 area (or cheaper.) What do you think i should get. Leave some links please :P
I looked this up in consumer reports and they rated them like this 1) Lawn boy 10640 ($240) 2) Cub Cadet 11a-18mc $240 3) Craftsman 38909 ($220). 4) Husqvarna 6021p (200). The Husqvarna was rated the best buy. All these are just regular push mowers. All the self propelled are around 400 to 700 dollars.
I looked this up in consumer reports and they rated them like this 1) Lawn boy 10640 ($240) 2) Cub Cadet 11a-18mc $240 3) Craftsman 38909 ($220). 4) Husqvarna 6021p (200). The Husqvarna was rated the best buy. All these are just regular push mowers. All the self propelled are around 400 to 700 dollars.
Lawn mowing buisness want to do please help.?
live in an apartment complex, so I have never really mowed a lawn before.
Where should I go to learn how if someone ( a friend) asked you to show them how to mow a lawn would you say okay?
How much are lawnmowers?
Since I am broke now I would have to save up to get enough money to buy a lawn mower....is it like 200 or 300 for a good one?
Will the manual tell me how to keep it running and stuff?
Basicaly, do you have anytips for someone wanting to make some money.
Also since I will be a freshman next year you think it would work if I did it during the year on the weekends (Winter Texas does not get cold?
Should I just put up signs around the nigherbor hoods?
One last thing, the last I promise, what are the best places to work, I bet the really rich places do not need you but the poor people will not want you either so is middle class best?
Also will I need other stuff like a blower thing or will just cutting it suffice? Also how much can I make doing thi
I know, wrong section but this has alot of people and elsewhere I got little to no response so sorry, next I will get to singles+dating.
P.S My mom said oyu have to have a edger and edge and stuff I am only 14 so I do not have 10,000 dollars.
You'll get most of your business from the elderly, and they'll probably have their own mower and tools. Put up flyers on bulletin boards at grocery and drug stores. Charge around $10 an hour or lawn, whichever comes first. It's pretty simple to do, ask the homeowner how they want it done and to show you how to operate their mower. You don't need a blower, but a trimmer comes in handy. You can get a second-hand mower if you want, $50 - $100 bucks, a little less for a trimmer, but you'll have to figure out a way to transport them. Ask the salesman how to operate it. Good luck.
You'll get most of your business from the elderly, and they'll probably have their own mower and tools. Put up flyers on bulletin boards at grocery and drug stores. Charge around $10 an hour or lawn, whichever comes first. It's pretty simple to do, ask the homeowner how they want it done and to show you how to operate their mower. You don't need a blower, but a trimmer comes in handy. You can get a second-hand mower if you want, $50 - $100 bucks, a little less for a trimmer, but you'll have to figure out a way to transport them. Ask the salesman how to operate it. Good luck.
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