Kamis, 08 Agustus 2013

How can i make my lawn mower faster with out having to buy anything?

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Tarheel Po

i have a lot of stuff laying around my yard but i want to make my lawn mower go faster without spending a lot of money

Easiest part make sure air filter is clean, then I have searched Yahoo here's the most important part"http://www.weekendgardener.net/lawn-mowers/sharpen-lawnmower-blade-70607.htm" More than that will take carburator adjustment or cleaning. The first two should help with the speed of your mowing.

How much will it cost to fix my lawn mower?


Hi all - I know nothing about lawn mowers or motors in general. Anyways - I just inherited a lawn mower which (I think) was a decent quality mower in its day (early 00's), but has been sitting in a shed with the gas and oil in it for several years. I am guessing that I'm going to have to take it in for repairs to get the motor all cleaned out and de-gunked and working again. Any ideas on how much something like that should cost?


It's easy enough to drain the gas and oil yourself. Not much to it really. There should be a plug under the deck of the mower for the oil drain. Replace it with fresh. Pull the spark plug out and brush it clean and replace it. May take a few pulls to get the old gas out of the line but if there was nothing wrong with the mower to begin with it should be good to go. Could save you quite a bit of money. If that fails then take it to the shop.

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