Kamis, 31 Oktober 2013

home depot still has not charged my credit card?

best lawn mower to buy 2013 on Tips to buy a Perfect Lawn Mower
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I bought a lawn mower on july 16th of 2013. I accidently washed my reciept in my pants so its unreadable to actually see if I was charged? There was an issue with customer ahead of me to where she was asked to step aside for a minute so I could be rung up? Is there a possibility I was actually never charged and women infront of me was charged? Is there a possibility home depot is just taking a long time? store seems unknowledgable when called? thank you.
I'm not sure that my credit card ever really went through? My credit card company states they never even got an authorization as in doesnt seem it was ever run through machine? I think item is free as of right now?

Transactions usually take only 1-3 days to post to your account. Chances are you did get your lawnmower for free!

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