Senin, 17 Maret 2014

How can I make my dog not afraid of the lawn mower?


We Don't know what caused her fear of the lawnmower, but as long as she can hear one running, particularly bad when its in our yard, she convulses, tucks her tail and hides. she's a VERY obedient Black Lab / English Shepard mix, but when the shed that the mower is contained in is brought out, she doesn't acknowledge whistling, her name, anything. What can I do to help my dog get over this fear? will she need veterinary attention to do so?
Well, for starts, putting my dog inside, in the room furthest from the the yard with loud music on before the shed door even opens, as soon as the music starts she convulses. she's afraid of nothing else, and letting my dog have a panic attack each time the mower is on (or my neighbors mower) seems ridiculous. i asked about veterinary assistance, not saying my dog would be medicated for it or anything, but only because i have NO idea how to help her. Thought it might be able to help her. When the mower is operated, the dog isnt allowed anywhere near it, and all of us involved are careful to pay attention to where things are. she's safe, but still has anxiety issues, wont eat or respond to any sort of attention or call or anything.
in the last additional segment, i meant to say as soon as the MOWER starts, not music.

Maybe start feeding her next to the lawn mower while it is off. Buy a CD that plays a lawn mower-like sound, and play it on repeat for a couple of days in the house, steadily increasing the volume of it. ...This one might make you go a little crazy, though. :)

If it were me, I'd just make sure the dog was safe and crated in the house before mowing the lawn. Don't respond to her fear, because that only reaffirms that it is okay to be afraid of the object, and will cause her to be more afraid of it.

Maybe you could start NILIF training. It may help her lawn mower anxiety by proving to her that since you are the alpha, you will protect her from that "big crazy monster." :)

how do you make a rideing lawn mower.........?

josh w

how do you make a rideing lawn mower, run 50 0r 60 mph. i see them race on tv and stuff but i dont know how the do it. because i got a 5 hp moter on my go kart tha runs 30 and a 18 hp mother on my lawn mower, and i know it shold do at least 50 or 60. someone tell me wat to do.....

First, ya gotta take the mower deck off. Then you have to disconnect the governor to allow the engine to run at higher RPM's. Then you have to replace the blown engine with one that is designed to run at a high enough RPM, like a snowmobile engine. Then buy enough life insurance to pay for your funeral. If you are serious about racing your lawn mower, wait until you see another lawn mower race and check out the sanctioning body for these races. Should be something like "NALMRA" or something close to that.

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