Selasa, 31 Desember 2013

How do I get my lawn to look thick and green like the professional landscapes?

best lawn mower height on Lawn Mower 20
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Q. I just bought my first house and the grass is brown and being overrun by weeds. It looks horrible. I want to start over and plant some Kentucky Blugrass (I live in Minnesota). How should I do this? Do I just seed over top of the current grass, or should I rip it out or what? And also, how do I maintain it every year and what shoud I do and not do (lawn mower height, fertilizer, weed prevention, etc.). I know its complicated, but give me your best tips, write a short novel if you have to! I just want my lawn to look good.

You can put Kentucky bluegrass seed over the top of current grass. Apply some good topsoil on top to keep birds from eating seeds and wind blowing it away. Seeds should germinate in about 2 weeks be sure to water almost daily. Generally Bluegrass needs more water than drought tolerant grass.
You should fertilize once in spring, summer and fall. And use a winterizer in well....winter. A good analysis of about 16-8-8 will work well....

Brown spots are either grubs or fungus.......Dig around grass grubs are large white worms with brown head about the size of a large thumb. If no grubs found probably fungus.

Ahh lawn mowers. Keep setting low in early spring then go up one notch in mid summer and high setting in fall. If grass is cut short during mid summer and fall it tends to look brownish.

A weed n feed fertilizer will work great for fertilizing and weed control. Also you might try a pre-emergence weed control in Early spring this will keep weeds from germinating.

Be sure sprinkler system is working properly and aerate/dethatch lawn in Early spring.

How do you adjust the blade height on yard machine lawn mower?


How do you adjust the blade height on a yard machine lawn mower?
Do I need tools?

One does not adjust the blade on a mower. You adjust the height of the wheels. There should be levers that you push in to unlock the brackets and that will allow you to move the deck up and down as desired.

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Looking for a good quality petrol rotary lawn mower at a sensible price?

best lawn mower prices on Earthwise Mower Best Price w/ FREE Shipping | Lawn Mower Reviews
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I am looking for a lawn mower to cut the grass in my garden (250 feet by 70 feet in size). I am not looking for a golf course finish but want it to look tidy. Can anyone recommend a reliable petrol rotary lawn mower?

ebay or craigslist

How many amps is needed for a good electric lawn mower?

Nicole B

We've got a very small yard of bermuda grass. We're currently shopping for electric lawn mowers, but don't know what an acceptable amount of amps would be? We saw one in our price range with 6.5 amps, but for $40 more, we can get a 9 amp mower. Is there a big difference between the two? Would I need more amps? And is it worth the $40 price difference? Thanks so much!

With your very small yard you will not need the higher amp model. You need to keep the grass at a reasonable height each time you mow. In other words do not let it get too long before you mow. That is what will cause a strain on the smaller motor. The difference between the two motors you are looking at is very small. The 6.5 amp is approximately 1/2 horsepower and the 9 amp is approximately 3/4 horsepower. So that is very little difference. I think you should save the 40 bucks for something else. This link may help.

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How best to approach a hill with a gas lawn mower?

best lawn mower gas on ... Gas & Mower Centre, stocking the very best lawnmowers, Lawn Tractors
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Part of a lawn I have to mow is on a hill, more precisely a fairly steep short berm. I notice that my gas lawn mower (toro brand, 4 stroke engine) has problems with it and tends to eventually stall and definitely burns more oil. Changing the landscaping to not-lawn is not an option. I am wondering if there are differences if I approach the hill sideways or better from top or bottom? Sorry if that is a stupid question but I am pretty clueless about gas engines in general.

Hi, tigrillen. Not a stupid question at all. Two things, one being the mower.

Some old Toros actually had an oil pump in the engine, while their standard mowers these days do not. On a steep slope, the new ones may have some oiling issues as a result. I used to keep an older Lawn Boy with a two-stroke running just for this issue. Lacking that option, you might even consider using a line trimmer to keep things neat, rather than a mower (gets pretty good with practice).

Second thing is that approach with a mower. If the slope is steep enough to potentially roll the mower when trying to go across the slope ("traversing"), have to just go up and down. Then the issue is not slipping when coming down and getting your foot under the mower deck. (A relative is missing a couple of toes from doing that.) Don't mow damp turf (i.e., avoid a lawn "water slide"), wear good shoes, and stay a little off to one side. And keep kids and pets well away while doing this.

Can someone suggest a good lawn mower that I can buy at Lowes?


I want to buy a self propelled lawn mower preferably gas.
Something that adjusts to my walking pace and has a bag (side or rear) Also can someone explain what the difference a side or rear bag would male.
My lot is a flat lot about 0.3 acres. My budget is around 400-600 dollars

Troy-Bilt $379.00
7.75 Torque 21" Self-Propelled Gas Mower
Item #: 303531 Model: TB340 XP

This is a very good mower where the self-propelled speed is determined by how fast you walk. Its a commercial mower at a home owner's price.

Rear bag verse side bag: Well first off its hard to find a side bagger these days, they're just not popular and here's why. Rear baggers were designed so that if you have several obstacles in your yard, (trees ETC...) you can maneuver around them from either side without changing directions, the down side is side bags are a little larger (not much). That's about it.

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Is this version of events the most likely scenario had McCain-Palin won in 2008?

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Mike Nicel

For starters, it would be President Palin to whom you refer, following that little accident involving the lawn mower, a confused Sarah Palin and a very drunk President-for-five-days John McCain in the Rose Garden.

President Palin's first act would have been to launch a space ship to the moon to check out rumors that the craters are full of crack. First Dude Levi Johnston (First First Dude Todd Palin had that awful accident involving the lawn mower at the VP's residence, remember?) provided President Palin with some hot inside information on that one. President Palin's second act was to launch a manned space flight to the sun. She overcame NASA objections that the ship would burn up by deciding it would fly at night. The memorial mass was moving.

God then told President Palin to launch a preemptive nuclear strike on Venezuela. But the President, never too sure of her geography, thought He said vuvuzela and launched the attack on South Africa during the World Cup soccer match, instead. Ironically, the nuclear weapon struck only the U.S. team. God told the President it was OK because American soccer players lack cojones.

Last week, in a bid to overcome 60% unemployment and a complete collapse of the U.S. economy, President Palin replaced the dollar with a new unit of currency she called the "Louise" upon the advice of chief economic adviser Newt Gingrich. Public response was so overwhelmingly negative that the media almost glossed over the terrible accident in the White House kitchen involving a lawn mower and a confused President Palin that cost Newt Gingrich his life. Mr. Gingrich was buried in Arlington, Atlanta, Cucamonga and somewhere back of the President's Wassilla White House. (NB: The President decided it was inconvenient to move to Washington DC, so she moved the Federal Government to Alaska instead.)

Then for some silly reason or another, the President quit. There were unproven allegations of bribes by Rupert Murdoch and the Saudi princes, but let's not be haters. The ex-President had not yet named a Vice President, so pursuant to the 25th Amendment, President Pelosi was immediately sworn in by an obviously drunk Chief Justice Roberts and is now kicking butt and taking names. President Pelosi's approval ratings currently exceed 99%. Republicans are poised to lose every single House, Senate, Governor, state office, county office and city office to their Democratic opponents.

The ex-President's last reported whereabouts were somewhere between Big Diomede and Little Diomede Islands, where she was last seen firing an AK-47 indiscriminately at local Eskimos and walruses. The local constabulary theorizes that she either fell into an ice fissure or was swallowed up by a Big White One.

Conspiracy theorists insist that Russian PM Putin reared his head and bit her in half, because "(a)s Putin rears his head and comes into the airspace of the United States of America, where do they go? It's Alaska. It's just right over the border. It is from Alaska that we send those out to make sure that an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation, Russia, because they are right there, they are right next to our state."

you forgot to kill off the president of the senate with the lawnmower before pelosi could become prez... :P
- president palin's first official act was to go shopping at her favorite store, Nordstrom's on Michael Steele's GOP credit card, spending yet another $150,000 on clothing, for which she later refused to reimburse again, stating that presidents cant wear the same thing twice to those pesky G20-something meeting thingies.
- president palin, appearing before the press, refused to answer any 'gotcha questions,' which thereby cut her 20-minute official press conferences by 20 minutes.
- president palin, in an effort to cut 'big brother spending,' ordered all future rape-testing kit expenses to be paid for by the victims. "after all" she said, "what worked in wasilla should work for the whole country, right?"
- president palin made history by being the first american president to meet with the reclusive north korean leader, president kim il jong. at the internationally publicized official meeting, she asked if she could call him "jong" (her handlers realized that she couldnt control herself from refering to him as 'lil' kim') while she winked incessantly at the cameras in her desire to appear as presidential as possible in front of the world press.
- president palin held her first state of the union speech last friday. she addressed both houses of congress with as much details as she could remember & comprehend on various topics such as energy, budget cuts ( strike 'budget', it's just 'cuts'), taxes, and 'lift american spirits.' five short minutes later, she started on additional topics written on her other hand, which included sales tax cuts on red leather jackets & hooker heels as well as on birth control pills for teenagers named bristol from alaska.
- president palin, swearing that from the second-story balcony of the white house she could see iran preparing to attack america, ordered all the military branches to position themselves for a first strike. from her cutesy nicknamed "ovaltine office," she used her Time magazine football-phone to call up her orders: the air force was to sail their ships to the caspian sea; the navy to drive their dark blue tanks to the sahara, just outside the iranian border; but she stalled the army from flying their fighter jets to that nefarious part of the world since she couldnt get the department of defense to agree to transfer the flight mileage credits to her personal credit card. she would have sent out the marines, but she figured they were needed to keep out the illegal immigrants sneeking their way in through the halls of montezuma, mexico.
- president palin, in an effort not to repeat her disasterous turkey-rendering interview/turkey pardoning event of 2008, ordered that for her first presidential thanksgiving, she'll be 'freeing' the turkeys by throwing them out of her wolve-hunting helicopter. "as god as my witness," she said in a state of shock after the end of the mayhem caused by turkeys crashing onto D.C. towncars & govt buildings, "i thought turkeys could fly!!!"

How can I repair an extension cord used with a mower after it has been cut?


I was mowing the lawn when I didn't notice the cord must have been entangled on the back wheel, a really long extension cord I used with the mower. A part of the cord must have moved under the mower somehow and it got a sort of nick. The cut is a small one and it damaged the outer rubber coating...nothing inside I can see through the small crack looks damaged at all. I finished the mowing without incident. Should I consider this a safety hazard and replace the thing or can I fix it some other way?

These kinds of extension cords are just quite expensive where I am and I recently bought this one for R500 (South Africa) so I would rather find another solution than replacing the whole thing. Like I said the wiring inside is fine. Only the outer coating has a cut. But I know very little about electricity so I am just asking to be on the safe side.
Thanks for all the replies and all very helpful ideas. The cut is only on the outer surface and quite small. It is a double insulated cord, so nothing inside is damaged. I do have electrical cord to use as at least a temporary solution. Fortunately cutting the lawn is not an everyday thing.

If the cut is near one end of the cord, you can just put a new fitting on. Cut the wire off where you have damage. Buy a new fitting, make sure you get the right one, two female ends or two male ends won't work. They are not expensive compared to buying a whole new cord, they are actually very cheap. All you have to do is open the plug, strip the wires and attach them in the same orientation. If the cut is near the middle of your cord you could always cut it and put a new end on both sides, leaving you with two cords. That way you won't have any exposed wiring and won't have to rely on electrical tape.

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appox. how much would an insurance premium be for my small lawn mowing service?

best lawn mower under 1500 on Best Cheap Riding Mowers and Lawn Tractors 2013 |
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business details: not trying to make a living just make some extra money, say i eventually do 20K a year. not landscaping, just mowing, trimming, hedges, weed eating and garden tilling if needed.
lets say my retired father in law wants to come along and help, not a full time job just giving me a hand on a big job, throw him $40-$50 on a job here and there.

**if you are actually an insurance agent can i see coverage and a quote to my email
what if my mower throws a rock threw a $2000 bay window?
what if while mowing i get attached by ground bees and have to be hospitalized for 2 days(that happened to a friend of mine)
while push mowing i step in a whole and break a leg?

i'm not real sure i'm just starting to look into the details of a mowing business.

Liability only , no employees, no tree work, pesticide, or snow removal, will cost you about $1500 a year. I'm not sure about the tilling - technically, that's excavation work, and could cost you more (in case you hit a pipe, ya know?)

Once you hire your father in law, even part time, you need to buy workers compensation coverage for him - and that's another $1500 a year, minimum premium, auditable.

No, you cannot "see coverage" based on the extremely little information you provided, heck, you didn't even mention what STATE you are in; however, I'm fairly confident of these rates, in most states, for a start up, part time business.

Regarding a mower throwing a rock - that WOULD be covered under your general liability policy. Keep in mind, it's pretty common for a general liability policy on this type of business, to have a deductible - anywhere from $500 to $5000 per claim.

If YOU get injured or hurt, you would need your own health insurance and disability insurance to pay. As a sole proprietor, in most states, even if you bought workers comp, it wouldn't cover YOU. You will have to discuss this with a local agent, to get state specific information.

**The stone kicked up thing happens fairly often, with this kind of business. Other claims I've seen, are running over sprinkler heads and damaging the sprinkler system; hitting a water line while tilling; and of course, workers compensation injuries are very common.**

what lawn mower is best for me?

Cody C

i need to mow under one acre of land and the most towing we will do is with a trailer and a leaf sweeper and the trailer is only to haul brush around. thanks (: oh and we are trying to cut down on the price a little, but we want a new one that will last. we can spend $1500 at most.

I have two Sears tractors both with auto transmissions. I mow a couple of acres and also use a small trailer. Both tractors do a great job. I would recommend the Sears brand. Most all the rest are made by MTD not to say they are not good. Sears is made by AYP. You just have to look at all the choices in your price range and get the one that best suits your needs. Most have Briggs engines. While horsepower is good it may not be the most important thing. The quality of the engine is as important. Most of the time the tractor has plenty of power and lacks traction.

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Where do you buy cheap used lawn mower parts?

best lawn mower on the market on the market for a new lawn mower you should photos consumer search best ...
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Jon R

Does anyone know of a website that sells cheap used carburetors for a lawn mower? I picked a free lawn mower and its missing the carburetor so I need to find one.

Try a flea market.

Why are lawn mowers so expensive?


I've been wanting to start a mowing business but I've been having trouble figuring out the prices for mowers. You can buy a nice self propelled 21" mower for $300 but then if you want a 32" mower suddenly the price shoots up to about $1500. Why do lawn mowers cost so much? You can buy a riding lawn mower for the price of a 32".

Mower manufacturers have mowers they usually sell to home owners, or people that just mow for themselves. Then they have their "commercial" line of mowers, always more expensive. Just know, they all make the grass shorter.
Commercial units are usually built a bit stronger. Maybe a better motor with longer maintenance times, heavier built decks and blades, bigger gas tanks, oil filters to increase longevity. If I was starting out, I would go to craigslist(dot)org. I have always found several mowers, riders, commercial, and push mowers, as well as trimmers, trailers and any other tool you might need. Most people live close to 2 to 4 markets of CL that offer a variety of products.
So, buy used, as you develop the business, you will see and appreciate specific models and brands, then you can splurge on your favorite power tool.

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What is the reputation of Gravely Ariens lawn/garden mower tractor equipment?

best lawn tractor zero turn on Senior Man On Zero Turn Lawn Mower On Turf Stock Photo & Stock Images ...
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How good are they and how are their Zero Point turn machines for longevity. Have a John Deere 314 that cut 3 acres+ of grass and hauled since new in 1979 and engine lasted 27 years before being rebuilt becuase it was burning oil.
Stopped into Gravely Ariens and just wonder how good they are. Still will never sell the old deere but just wanted to know thinking on another tractor.

I never gave much thought to mowers until after I bought the Gravely for my Mom to help out (after my Dad passed on). Years passed and I purchased their property, with the Gravely included of course!!, this is the main reason for my manual request. Now that I have control over the Gravely I can FINALLY 'BABY' IT ! It has helped mow my previous 3 acres(incuding 1.25 mile jaunt to/from), my mom's 2.5, my brother-in-law's unlandscaped 5, and helped on my Uncle's 4 acre campground every summer for the last five years, some of it, being abusive.

I lucked into buying the Gravely from a retiring Doctor by pure chance. I was amazed with it's construction from first sight. The Gravely was built like I would build one, very sturdy! Even after experiencing the ease of moving from one season to another, ie: mower deck to push blade / snow blower / garden and back to mower deck, I am still amazed. Everything was built very sound with preventive, and consant maintenance in mind. I was and still am, very impressed.

My brother-in-law spent big $$$$ three years ago on some Toro front "super mower". EVERY year since he has had to borrow the Gravely for half a summer because of Toro mechanical failure! Now they want to roll their lawn with the Gravely . This year I will implement one of my Fathers favorite quotes from Will Rogers; "People's mind's are changed through observation, not argument." I can only be an advertisement to those that are willing to see the obvious.

The only mower that comes close to my Gravely is my one brothers John Deere. We mow our Uncles campground together and even he admits that the Gravely is far 'better' ("Wow,real steel!" he said ), it mows smooth, level! Easier access to the deck, motor, greasing, oil etc. than his Deere (although understandably, he said it in private, afraid of loosing 'brownie points' with his wife & father-in-law-haha!)

Put me down as a satisfied customer, very satisfied. How about this slogan "Gravely; the next best thing to not having to mow your lawn." or "Next best thing to having a nephew that's wants to play your new video game!" ~HA~

I am already saving for the next Gravely mower, although ... come to think of it... why would i!!!!

What is the reputation of Gravely Ariens lawn/garden mower tractor equipment?


How good are they and how are their Zero Point turn machines for longevity. Have a John Deere 314 that cut 3 acres+ of grass and hauled since new in 1979 and engine lasted 27 years before being rebuilt becuase it was burning oil.
Stopped into Gravely Ariens and just wonder how good they are. Still will never sell the old deere but just wanted to know thinking on another tractor.

Well I know of people owning Gravely equipment that lasted them 30 and 40 years. Whether they are still that good I'd like to hope. I have a walk behind self-propelled lawn mower from 1981. Have only had to do regular maintenance and one carb rebuild on the B&S engine ($4.00). Not bad?

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Looking for a good quality petrol rotary lawn mower at a sensible price?

best lawn mower petrol on Petrol Roller Mowers > Lawn Mowers > Home > Best Buy Mowers
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I am looking for a lawn mower to cut the grass in my garden (250 feet by 70 feet in size). I am not looking for a golf course finish but want it to look tidy. Can anyone recommend a reliable petrol rotary lawn mower?

ebay or craigslist

New lawn mower does not start ?


I have a brand new lawn mower (4 stroke petrol). It ran for 5 minute and then died. I just now realised it had too little oil in it. I onl had about 50 ml of oil instead of 600 ml. Do you think this could be a problem? When I pull the starter string I get a 'slightly mettalic' knock rather than a regular muffled knock?

yea i think you scored the walls and fried everything in the engine if i were you i would bring it back and play dumb and hopefully get new one

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Senin, 30 Desember 2013

What is considered a good group at 100 yards?

best lawn mower under 100 on Top 10 Lawn Mowers Under 100 Dollars
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Kid with a

Shooting off hand what is considered a good group with a 10/22 at 100 yards?
Again,shooting off hand,what is considered a good group with an ar-15 at 100 yards using military surplus ammo (62 grain M855 Penetrator)?
Both guns have iron sights and the .22 lr will be running cheap Federal bulk ammo.

Looks like you opened a big olâ can of worms with this Q lol!
Best group off hand with who? The average Joe off the street would be lucky to hit the side of a lawn mower at 100 yards. I was with such âjoesâ one day who couldnât hit a empty quart of beer at 50 yards off hand with all sorts of tactical rifles. I pulled out my ruger super black hawk and nailed it first shot.
So for the average guy if he or she can get a group under 12 inches bravo! If they are experienced shooters then under 6 inches is ok. If they are experts well then about 3 inches or less is ok. So take your pick.
I donât always agree with glacierwolf but this time I do. I can shoot under 5 inch groups with any of my rifles at 100 yards off hand and that includes high dollar centerfire rifles, black powder rifles and .22 rimfire rifles as long as the gun is capable of it. I see so many braggarts who cant hit the side of the barn. In fact it funny going to the local range and watching these guys burn up ammo never trying to learn the fundamentals of how to be accurate. Mention to them breathing control and proper stance and they laugh at you. And when I run back and forth working up a sweat and heavy breathing and then pick up my rifle and hit an apple at 100 yards their jaws drop. That takes practice and loads of time. You donât get there emptying 30 round mags at will like Rambo. You get there one shot at a time. Some even set up a camera and film themselves looking for ways to improve. And if you work hard you can send a big .69 cal mini ball 800 yards off hand and hit a 10 foot square target. I have seen it done despite the 60+ foot drop of that projectile.

And by the way VERY few stock ruger 10-22s can shoot a 5 inch group at 100 yards in a frickin gun vise! More like 7 to 10 inch groups with the stock tapered barreled 10-22. I have tested them and replaced the barrels because of that. My very old Marlin 60 .22 can hit a quarter at 100 yards in a gun vise or if I use a rest. But off hand I cant hit a quarter with my Rem 700 that shoots sub MOA at 100 yards. I simply cant hold it steady enough. So if someone tells me they can shoot a 1/2 inch group off hand at 100 yards I call bull$hit! Only expert riflemen can do such on a good day after they got laid the night before and the bullet was blessed by Jesus himself.

If you have a small lawn, almost a zero lot line type yard, what is a better idea, to buy a smaller mower and?


do it yourself, or hire a lawn care person? Any suggestions?

Buy a push reel mower.

Under $100 bucks, 5 mins to use, no cords or batteries and ZERO CARBON EMISSIONS.

We use one for our 12X12 front and 30X100 back.

Here's one. Ours is 24inch, but this is all you need:

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Can you jump start a rider lawn mower?

best lawn mower riders on The Mustang RZT is a riding lawn mower from Troy Bilt. Built with zero ...
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I didn't use my rider lawn mower since last summer. Now that I tried starting it, it's just making a clicking sound. i am assuming the battery is dead. What should I do? Can it be jumped like a car, or do I just get a new battery? Thanks so much for your help!

get the battery charged

Is it better to drain the gas in a rider lawn mower, or put a gas stabilizer in?


I am going to cover my lawn mower up, and store it outside. I am not sure which option is better for it. Thanks for your help with this!

I always just run the mower till the gas is gone. I used stabilizer once and guess what, next spring the mower and weed whacker wouldn't start. (been cutting grass for 35 years now) never leave gas in there over the winter as the gas can gum up the carb.if you run it you know there will be NO gas left in the carb where as if you drain it there may still be gas in the cab as the carb comes after the drain line.

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How do I repair the pull rope for a poulan pro 550 series lawn mower?

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I pulled the rope to start my lawn mower and it broke how do I fix it

This Is One Of The Easiest Repairs For Mowers. I've Done It Several Times. Remove The Plastic Shroud From The Motor, You'll See On Of Two Things Either The Coil Assembly Will be In The Shroud Or It Will Be Attached To The Motor. If It's Attached To The Motor Remove It. Once You Have It Removed You'll See The End Of The Pull Cord Tied In A Knot, Pull On It To Give It Some Slack Then Hold It So It Doesn't Pull Back In In, Then Cut It And Pull The Remaining Cord Out. Then Measure As Best You Can The Old Cord To The New Cord And Cut It To Size. Then Line Up The The Hole For The Cord On Top Of The Assembly With The Hole In The Coil, Thread The New Cord Through Both Holes Then Tie The End In A Knot And Scorch It With A Lighter To Make Sure It Holds. Then Slowly Let The Cord Rewind Itself. And Reattach The Shroud And Then Don't Ever By That Brand Again.

how can i get my lawn mower to stay running?


it has gas, oil, and a brand new spark plug, it started running real crappy so i sprayed some throttle cleaner into it, added about 2 ounces of sea foam to the gas, and cleaned out the air fliter. then to top it off the pull rope broke on me so i fixed it and now it doesnt have tension on it after i try to start it.. i have to "reset" after every try. then it'll only run for about 3 secs.

clean it after u use it

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what makes a lawn mower engine start to fire.?

best lawn mower electric start on Ignition Circuit Diagram - Mechanically Timed Ignition
best lawn mower electric start image

Adam M

what is the mechanism that starts the ignition in a lawn mower engine and how does it work. I have one that you pull a cord and it starts.

There is a magneto which generates a high voltage electric current, when the flywheel turns. As you pull, this current goes to the spark plug. Gas mixed with air in the carburetor has been admitted to the cylinder through the intake valve- the valve closes, the piston travels up to compress the gas/air; At the critical moment the plug fires and voila! spark ignites the mixture and down goes the piston as the mixture burns... As the piston is driven down, the exhaust valve opens and out goes the burn gas/air.

how do determine the best lawn mower in california?

LaShonda W

Need to buy a new lawn mower that is easy for a woman and/or adolescent to operate. Need easy start mechanism and easy operation of mower body.

Well, Consumer Reports just did a rating on lawn mowers in their May 2007 issue. It seems that the self-propelled mowers are much more repair prone than push types though they are easier to operate. Lawn Boy is reported as being the most repair prone push mower brand. Here are their best buys for small, level laws (like we have in CA) Cub cadet, craftsman, Black & Decker and Homelite. They seem to like the cub cadet because it is lighter, combines mowing with fine bagging and a premium engine. Among the electric mowers they like the Black & Decker.

The Toro, Craftsman and Yard Machines come with electric starting.

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Is it illegal to have Lawn Mowers in the backyard and in the front yard?

best lawn mower value on Weed Eater WE-ONE Riding Lawn Mower Review | Best Lawn Tractor Reviews
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Francis Ja

I'm asking this because my parents received something from the cops and not just me everyone in my neighborhood got on. They say this.Remove all items from yard to include old lawn mowers, trailers, go carts, misc, garbage, lawn equip, cans, containers, metal, plastic, wood, etc. I was shocked. We never had this for 7 years. But now I think they are taking it seriously for some reason. Please help!

Obviously it is a violation of local zoning code.

There are two reasons such codes suddenly get enforced.

One is complaints from neighbors, because such hillbilly crap tends to drive down property values. This enforcement wave could very well be a result of some guy down the street who's had his house on the market for three years now and can't find a buyer. It also could be some councilman who when driving through your neighborhood thinks it looks like a ghetto.

The second reason is that municipal budgets have been slashed. So they're looking for new revenue streams to pay for necessities. Such low hanging fruit as code violations rarely have as rapid repercussions on elected officials as cutting services or not balancing the budget.

You've always had such rules, they just didn't enforce them

Can synthetic 5w30 oil be used for lawn equipment in summer?


5w30 oil is recommended for snowblowers in cold weather when temperature may dip to minus 20C.

Can a SYNTHEIC 5w30 oil be used for riding lawn mower in summer too, when the temperature may reach to 35C? Or, I need to buy regular or synthetic 10w30 for the summer ?

Yes you can, the key values are the 5 which is the cold value handling, the 30 is the hot. If your lawn tractor calls for 30 during the summer, you will be good using it in your lawn tractor. The only difference you should notice is it should be easier to start in the winter. There is a slight possibility that you could develop oil leaks, but if your seals are in good shape it should not occur.

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Minggu, 29 Desember 2013

Recommendations for a small riding lawn mower, simple yet sturdy?

best lawn mower in australia on NEW 21
best lawn mower in australia image
Q. First time homeowner and have a big yard to take care of, so I was wondering if you had any recommendations for a small riding lawn mower that's simple to operate, but sturdy? Believe me, if a push one was good enought, I'd be asking about that, but with my hours during "season", I won't have the time, so any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks for answering and have a great Sunday!

One of the most important things to look for in a ride on lawn mower is power. I have often seen people buy the smallest, cutest, cheapest mower only for it to burn out and die sometimes after one season. When you buy a ride on check to see it has enough power to carry you and mow the lawn with ease not just 'enough' power. Having said this you can get too large for your requirements and buy one that is so large it has the turning circle of a semi trailer. I would look at good brands with reputable motors, such as Briggs and Stratton or Honda. Most large brands such as John Deere have a full range of sizes from small to very large. Do your homework with the local dealers and get plenty of advice. Some dealers even offer test drives. Also let them know what type of grass/ height etc you are mowing and the finish you would like - bowling green, park or bush. If you are in Australia Cox or John Deere are good choices. If you are in another county you will have to check out what is available there.

when did australia first trade victa lawnmowers with the rest of the world?


for history homework, we ave to find a link between australia and the rest of the world (eg, 50 years ago, yesterday when quantas made their first flight from australia to los angeles) anyway, i decided to write about victa lawnmowers and i needed to know when ausralia first started trading them and to where?

Mervyn Victor Richardson developed the Victa rotary lawn-mower in August 1952. It was not the first rotary lawn-mower ever developed, but it was cheaper, lighter and easier to use than the mowers that came before.

Mervyn advertised his new mowers and sold them from his home. Demand for the mowers was high with the growth of post-war suburbia. Soon Mervyn had to expand the business to a new location and Victa Mowers Pty Ltd was born.

From the early days Victa effectively used marketing to promote and sell its mowers. It pioneered TV advertising in Australia, using celebrity endorsements and combining them with extensive newspaper and print media campaigns. Victa set up a network of distributors and trained them in promotion and sales.

Within two years of setting up the business, Victa had sold 20 000 mowers and was beginning to export them. The company continued to improve the technology, design and marketing of its products by responding to customers' needs. By 2002, after almost 50 years of operation, 6.5 million Victa mowers had been sold in 30 countries around the world.

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what are the names of lawn mower repair shops that are cheap in houston?

best lawn mower repair on Top Lawn Mower � Troy Bilt 21 Inch Electric Start Self-Propelled Lawn ...
best lawn mower repair image

Jerry S

i need to have some lawn mowers and weed eaters repaired cheaply, i would
appreciate the name of some shops, thank you y/a people.

Alpha Lawnmower Repair & Sales
(713) 937-8589
6300 W Little York Rd, #118,
Houston, TX

Lofton Bicycle & Lawnmower Rpr
(281) 931-5699
8108 W Montgomery Rd,
Houston, TX

Cy-Fair Lawnmower Incorporated
(281) 955-5575
11907 Windfern Rd
Houston, TX

Samtech Lawnmower Repairs
(713) 943-8233
609 College Ave,
South Houston, TX

Tunney's Lawnmower Repair Incorporated
(281) 485-1886
5828 Broadway St,
Pearland, TX

All Seasons Lawn Mower Repair
(281) 422-9404
3000 N Main St, #1a,
Baytown, TX

What should I name my small engine repair shop?


I just recently graduated from small engine repair school. I am wanting to open my own business. I can work on riding and push mowers as well as chain saws, snow blowers, weed eaters etc. I want a creative name for my shop. I have considered Literberry Lawn Mower Repair and Wallace Small Engines. Does anyone have anything more creative?

"The Little Engine that Could", but check with a lawer first to see if you need to get premission from the author of the book.

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Sabtu, 28 Desember 2013

Has anyone seen the horror film "Sinister" yet? If so what did you think?

best lawn mower to buy 2012 on Tips to buy a Perfect Lawn Mower
best lawn mower to buy 2012 image


I recently saw the 2012 release, "Sinister." Let me tell you what: this movie is scary as f^&*ing hell! The star is Ethan Hawke, who is now one of my most favorite actors. Scott Derrickson directed the film (he helped write the Exorcism of Emily Rose, which is another awesome movie).

I watched this movie late at night, starting it at probably 3 in the morning. What better time to watch a horror film that is scary as hell, while being all alone? I've seen many a horror flick, thousands in fact, and consider myself a horror movie connoisseur, but Sinister made me jump a few times.

What really makes the hair on the back of your neck, hand and arms (well my neck isn't hairy) stand up, was the old film reels that show murders of entire families. Each reel is named something crafty like "Pool Party '86," "Sleepy Time '88," etc. Not to mention the twisted methods in which the families were brutally massacred: one incident included the family being buried up to their neck in the back yard, and the killer taking a push lawn mower, and, well, use your imagination.

You get the creeps when the lead character Ellison Oswalt (Ethan) finds images of the killer hidden in the films. Yet you only see a reflection of the killer's face in the water, or mirror for 1 second.

The film is next to perfection in it's genre. It's a mixture of a mystery, suspense, horror, and, believe it or not, a "snuff" film, all in one.

9 out of 10 Stars.

Anyone else seen it? What did you think?

6/10. An okay and slightly overrated movie with its own strong points. Definitely not the scariest movie in recent years like what people seem to keep saying though.

Ethan Hawke gave a wonderful performance as usual. Romantic flicks, drama films, horror movies â is there anything this guy cannot do? His acting was the filmâs biggest strength, in my opinion. He conveyed fear so effectively and I love the portrayal of his growing obsession with the strange disappearances and happenings.

I like how the tapes were creatively named⦠so punny. The twist about moving house was my favourite one, though the rest werenât that impressive or convincing. This was especially more so since hardly any explanation was offered about the plot. They tried, but so many âbut why?sâ remain. Maybe I just didnât really buy the whole demonic boogieman thing. So does it possess the children or what?

There was a lack of character development as well and I almost wondered if the movie and parents forgot that they had two children, not one. Why was the son experiencing night terrors and behaving strangely when all along it was the daughter who the Bughuul wanted? And I donât know what everyone else except for Ethan Hawkeâs character is doing.

The buildup of fear and tension was pretty effective despite being mostly cheap scares. You know, the usual appear-in-the-dark-from-behind etc etc. However, there is just something about Ethan Hawke in an empty room with nothing but his screen and a box of tapes. I get nervous everytime he is creeping or out of the attic.

And you think he's on our side?

�Chins Up

Barry Obama enacts a drilling moratorium (only two permits in the last year); Obamaâs 2012 budget that, for example, cuts tax incentives for energy exploration; and anti-drilling regulatory policies. Sarah Palin discusses in some detail an area north of the Arctic Circle where the U.S. Geological Survey tells us there are some 90 billion barrels of technically recoverable oil and 1,670 trillion cubic feet of technically recoverable natural gas, âone-third of which is in Alaskan territory.â

Judging by his actions, his rhetoric, his Third-World, anti-imperialist, Frantz-Fanon-imbued vision of Diminished America, my hunch is no. To this presidentâs way of thinking, high gas prices are a solution, not a problem. Cheap energy is the launch pad of a soaring economy, one beyond government (his) control. And this president wants control: over what we eat (less), drive (smaller) and live (lower thermostats). As Palin reminds us, Secretary of Energy Steven Chu actually pines for gasoline prices as high as Europeâs ($9-plus) as a tool of social regimentation âto coax consumers into buying more-efficient cars,â as the Wall Street Journal reported, âand living in neighborhoods closer to work.â Chu told the paper, âSomehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.â Oh, and by the way: Not one senator whose salary we pay bothered to query Chu during his confirmation hearing about how regular Americans with hour-long commutes (as opposed to Berkeley professors like Chu) would fare in this social-engineering scheme.

How would you like to pay $50 to fill up your lawn mower or $1000 to fill up a 22 foot boat?

This man makes no sense whatsoever.

I know for a fact he's NOT on "our side", he's a dyed in the wool socialist who would be tickled pink if the Soviets had won the cold war

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How much should I ask for mowing lawns?

best lawn mower under $500 on Murray Riding Tractor Repair Help | Lawnmower Repair and Parts
best lawn mower under $500 image


OK, so I have an undisclosed job at a local business. I've had it for several days, and I hate it.

Everyone swears. Period. Like, the F bomb is dropped on average 500 times total. I am not even kidding, it is every other word that I hear, and it is seeping into my own life. It's caused me to become more lax with swearing, and I generally have a bad attitude more. There's also sexual harassment against young females, and berating from the managers. This has all negatively impacted my spiritual growth, mental growth, and general self confidence (I suffer with major depression and Asperger's, so any insult is taken seriously, even if it was supposedly not meant).

I mowed lawns before I got this job, but I only did a few. Upon reflection, I realize that I liked doing that, and it pays REALLY WELL compared to my current job if you look at hourly work.

My question is, what should I charge? I mow lawns, edge them, and blow off the clippings from their driveway and sidewalk (many communities actually require this). I also would be willing to spread ant poison, put new mulch on flowerbeds, and learn to effectively kill weeds.

I don't believe in charging by the hour, because it can frighten the customer. They may become worried that I am a slacker and will bump up the cost. So before I was charging about $35 for mowing lawns as well as edging and cleaning up. I would like to amp this up a little bit, and care for lawns instead of my current job. What would a good flat rate be for all of these items individually?

The guy who does the next door neighbor's charges $25. This city's population is around 450,000 and the market has a ton of competition. So you gotta ask around and know what the market will tolerate.
This guy tows a little trailer that carries his riding mower. Mows the front and back yard (in this case about 5000 sq ft). He trims around and edges the sidewalk and blows the sidewalk clean.

He doesn't bag the clippings but blows them and all the weed seeds onto my lawn -- then comes to my door asking if I want to pay him to spray for the weed problem in my yard. *facepalm*

That's really sucky about your crummy job. You could complain about the harassment, but sometimes the law is slow and goes nowhere anyway. Makes you wonder why the laws are on the books if they won't be enforced except under the most extreme conditions.

I say go for it, mow in the summer, shovel snow in the winter.

What is a good starter mower for a small lawn buisness?


I am starting a local lawn mowing business 20-30 yards and am wondering what kind/type of mower will i need to get.
I am starting a local lawn mowing business 20-30 yards and am wondering what kind/type of mower will i need to get. I am 16 and am looking to by a truck too. For the lawn mower price range up to $1200. For the truck up to $8000. Also if i were to charge per sq. ft. what is a good unit price?

If you are planning on starting a lawn business, I assume you plan on making this a long term venture? If this is so, purchasing "cheap" equipment is a No No! If your gonna commit time and effort into doing a good job for your clients, you need to have at least a mid-priced, commercial grade mower, one that will last more than the 2 months you will get by purchasing a cheaper one. 20 - 30 yards a week is alot of wear and tear on the engine, power drive, cables, and pull string as well as the blade shaft. One week of this wear and tear mowing is as much as the normal homeowner would put on a mower in a "years" time. To keep from having to fix this cheaper mower when it breaks down you need a good one. If the mower isn't cutting, you aren't making any money, and not to mention having to deal with a few irate clients complaining that their lawns are looking scraggly and unmowed because you couldn't mow it that week. You need to at least spend $375.00 - $500.00 smackers on a semi-commercial mower. There are many brands that carry heavier built mowers and these include, Honda, Toro, and Snapper. These 3 are my only choices. Check out each brand and make sure you get one with at least 3.5 horsepower with 4.0 - 5.0 being even better yet. Make sure that you get one with a "rear" wheel power drive. The front wheel drives really suck and are hard to keep straight when putting "stripes" and "designs" on the turf. Mowing the tree wells (circle around base of trees) is more difficult as well. Always bag the clippings when mowing. The customer is paying for a clean, manicured yard and that is just what you should provide. Get a quality lawn edger as well. A sharp edge on the walkways and driveway gives that added clean cut appearance after you have left the property. And make sure to blow or sweep off the concrete walks, driveway, and patios of the spent clippings that have been thrown out from under the deck before leaving (this needs to be done lastly). And when you get the mower be sure that it is a 4 cycle engine (straight gas, no mix) it makes for faster and easier work not having to mix oil and gas all the time. Hope this has been helpful and good luck on your new venture. You will get a great sense of accomplishment from this type of work, not to mention a whole bunch of knowledge about turf, trees & shrubs, diseases, and insects. The best part is the $money$ that can be made if you get good at it...

...Added Info: You don't want to charge by the sq.ft. for your services. It's better to charge by each individual property. Naturally, the bigger the square footage of turf, the more you will charge (time is money). The local economy and the type of neighborhoods you will be working in will have alot to do with your price range. Naturally, higher class homes will bring in more cashflow. A standard price would be $100.00 a month for edging, mowing, and blowing off of the property. Tell the customer that you will spend 1 hr a week doing the work, 4 times a month, which comes out to to 4 hrs total work time. Which means that you are working at a $25.00 an hour rate, which is pretty good money for a 16 yr old. This of course, is for an average size yard with around 2,000 sq. ft. of turf. If its less or more you can adjust the price accordingly (up or down).

...$Billy Ray$

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Want to buy lawn mower for basic yard, advice on what kind appreciated?

best lawn mower mulcher on If you look closely you will see that the blade might look a little ...
best lawn mower mulcher image

Rev. Dr. G

Have time on my hands, and see no reason to pay the overly high price people charge for yard work.

I have a straight lawn, no golf green type look, main grasss in front and only a little in the back. Don't want expense of riding lawn mower. Want to get one easy to work. For some strange reason when young my father did not want my brother and I to mow the yard, he didn't either?????????????????

So am starting from scratch, but this is not rocket science. A friend warned me about not getting one that you have change each wheel for lever. Basics on buying and doing appreciated, such as dumping grass, maintaining, basically what need to do.

In addition, where to buy and about how much to pay is also a question.

Any thoughts much appreicated.

Go to Sears. The people that work there are very helpful and can tell you what type of mower you should get according to how big of a yard you have and if you just want a mower or a mulcher/mower combo.

What exactly is a mulcher and the difference between a side discharge?


I am getting ready and started to mow the lawn. And I got a new lawn mower. According to the manual, it says "Your lawn mower was shipped ready to be used as a mulcher." But it also says I can convert it to a side discharge or a rear bagging (which I don't want). Is it the "mulcher" or "side discharge" for grass to be clipped and unnoticed on the lawn?

The mulcher works when the side and back vents are closed, by swirling the grass clippings around the blades and basically chopping the grass into tiny bits. The side discharge will blow the clippings out the side, no mulching. What we aren't told is this: only use the mulcher on shorter grass, because it just doesn't work well with tall grass. I basically quit using the mulcher feature and now bag the cuttings. My lawn looks so much better, too. Go figure.

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