It depends on how large your cutting area is.
1- If you can cut it in under two hours, get an electric.
(I took extra good care of mine and it lasted 4 years).
I got lucky and someone abandoned one that was wired wrong but newish, fixed it and it lasted 5 years.
2- Both were Black & Decker and first one cost $89.95 in 1993.
3- Of course you'll need one or two long extension cords (again I had two roll-up spools), one was 200 feet and one was 100 feet long.
I had 2 gas mowers, one was self propelled (both cheap brands), one blew the engine and the other threw a rod and oiled part of the lawn.
4- You'll have to buy Oil, Gas, and drygas for the wiinter months and still need to take good care of it, (keep it covered, sheltered and change the oil periodiclly)
It depends on how large your cutting area is.
1- If you can cut it in under two hours, get an electric.
(I took extra good care of mine and it lasted 4 years).
I got lucky and someone abandoned one that was wired wrong but newish, fixed it and it lasted 5 years.
2- Both were Black & Decker and first one cost $89.95 in 1993.
3- Of course you'll need one or two long extension cords (again I had two roll-up spools), one was 200 feet and one was 100 feet long.
I had 2 gas mowers, one was self propelled (both cheap brands), one blew the engine and the other threw a rod and oiled part of the lawn.
4- You'll have to buy Oil, Gas, and drygas for the wiinter months and still need to take good care of it, (keep it covered, sheltered and change the oil periodiclly)
Lawn mower loud bang?

I buy lawn mower on craigslist for 500 dollar, brand is weed eater, it has 3hp tecumseh engine, it make loud bang after 5 minute of use and i dont know why. it also shoot fire out muffler and then stop. any answer appreciate many time. gracias
You paid $500 dollars for a used lawn mower. you can buy a brand new one at sears for 300?
Your probably paid for a $500 pos that was broken in the first place. Yet at this point you became a sucker, not only did you buy as is, You can't get your money back the Guy you bought it from, he just has to say it ran fine when he sold it to you.
Lesson here do your home work first, check prices at stores for the same brand before purchase
You could have got the same lawn mower brand new for less? Why would you buy a product that you have no history of? Now your out 500 plus cost for repairs or outright replacement.
Hope that helps
You paid $500 dollars for a used lawn mower. you can buy a brand new one at sears for 300?
Your probably paid for a $500 pos that was broken in the first place. Yet at this point you became a sucker, not only did you buy as is, You can't get your money back the Guy you bought it from, he just has to say it ran fine when he sold it to you.
Lesson here do your home work first, check prices at stores for the same brand before purchase
You could have got the same lawn mower brand new for less? Why would you buy a product that you have no history of? Now your out 500 plus cost for repairs or outright replacement.
Hope that helps
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