Sabtu, 03 Agustus 2013

What kind of lawn mower should I get?

best lawn mower which on ... mower to keep your lawn looking its best, consider one of these top
best lawn mower which image


I'm moving into a new home that has a lawn. Its an average sized lawn that isn't too big at all. This is my first time having to maintain a lawn and I was wondering what type of lawn mower I should get? Which is better? I've been shopping around and I've been seeing gas or electric. I'm leaning more towards a push mower but just unsure about brands, features, and gas or electric.

For a push mower I would look at a Toro. Definitely a gas mower is preferable. You dont have to worry about finding an electrical outlet and you get more power. I would get a model that is self propelling unless you love a lot of hard work. If you want more information on picking one look in the May or June issue of Consumer Reports Magazine (free in a library or you can subscribe on line for a fee). They rate lawn mowers and their features. You can find a good mower for $300- $350

Is it true that if you don't keep a lawn mower's blade sharp it will damage the engine?


Someone told me that if you use a dull blade on your lawn mower it will damage the engine. is this true?

If the blade is dull it won't cut the grass as good, this could cause the engine to work a bit harder but it will not likely damage the engine. Most lawn mower engines die from neglect rather than from working too hard.

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John Deere lawn mower uses KAWASAKI PARTS - OIL FILTER 49065-7010 can i use a different filter instead?

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My LT180 John Deere riding lawn mower has a Kawasaki engine in it and currently has a Kawasaki oil filter 49065-7010. I can't find this at any store (ie. Home Depot, Lowes, Sears). Is there a retailer I can find it at? Has this filter been replaced with a different model? Can I use a different filter? Thanks!

The WIX brand filter number is 51394.
I service lots of equipment and trucks. wix is the "preferred aftermarket " brand for me. they have a great web site, you Just put in the filter number you have an it will give you the wix number. Wix is sold at almost all parts stores, auto supply houses,ect. They usually stock more wix than any other brand. Wix will also have the air and fuel filters ect. super easy if you have almost any brand or OEM filter number. I use wixfilters dot com a lot.

When the Bush Tax Cuts expire for the Rich but Obama keeps the tax cut for the middle class?

Old School

will I be able to buy a new lawn mower from Lowes while the illegals will get a cut in pay!

If taxes are not raised on the rich they can expand their businesses and hire more people, which will have a great deal more positive impact on the economy than your buying a lawn mower.

Illegals shouldn't be working at Lowe's in the first place, so what's your point?

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Jumat, 02 Agustus 2013

Need to purchase a riding lawn mower, help me choose one please?

best riding lawn mower for 5 acres on Cub Cadet Riding Mowers | Riding Mower For Sale
best riding lawn mower for 5 acres image
Q. Moving to 5 acre property, going to need more than the walk behind I now have. Which are dependable brands? Do I go with zero turn radius mowers? The zero turns really seem to fly, and cutting grass, while necessary, is not my idea of a great way to spend my off hours. Lawn service pros, and anyone else knowledgeable, I need your advice.

Thank you.

"Nothing runs like a Deere".....

How do you make grass grow better in a poor horse pasture?


My two geldings are living in a 5-acre pasture all to themselves, and they have eaten most of the grass and there isn't much left for them. I can make it to the barn about every other day, but not quite every day, and I need to make sure they are being fed enough. They are both in good health now, but I don't want them to get too skinny.

first off I would cross fence the pasture to rotate pasture area for your horses while one side is growing the other side can be used to feed for next year since there is going to be a frost soon with in the next month about the middle of october not much grass is going to grow this year for the rest of this year. I would get a round bale feeder and round bales. if you have a riding lawn mower and can find 5 feet of old chain link fence and a wood pallet drag the chain link fence with the pallet on it over the pasture to break down all the horse patties to fertilize the pasture and give a better area for the grass to grow

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Is it possible to register a riding lawn mower in the state of utah?

best lawn mower makes on Lawn Striping|How To Mow Stripes In Your Lawn
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Jason H

Hi, and thanks for looking. I am currently doing a hot rod riding lawn mower, and I was wondering if anyone knows if it's possible to make alterations to such a lawn mower, to make it street legal, and registered. I have looked far and near on Google, to no avail. If you could even just tell me the keywords I might use for better results, that would be great! I know it seems a little far out, but so am I. Thanks for looking!

No, it is Not possible

Why does my lawn mower make a screeching noise when I start it, and how do i fix it.?


I have a craftman push lawn mower. I can start but the noise is unbearable.
I have checked all possiblities on the exterior parts of lawn mower.

Have you made sure there isn't a piece of string or rope wrapped around the blade? You might wanna check that before you burn the engine up.

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Can I charge a 12v lawn mower battery with my car alternator?

best lawn mower battery on ... about sittin in a lawn chair with a beer watching a robot cut ur lawn
best lawn mower battery image
Q. My battery is low on my Snapper lawn mower, (U1-7 battery).
I want to connect cables to my truck battery and the other end to the lawn mower battery to charge it. Is this okay to do? Most informative will receive "BEST."

Check if your truck battery is the same voltage and Ampere-hour (AH) as the lawn mower. If it's of the same voltage but differnent AH it's fine because lead acid batteries charges with a constant voltage. It wouldn't over charge even if it's fully charged, but if your truck happen to be on a 24V battery, don't attempt to quick charge your 12v lawn mower battery with it, may over heat and swell like a ballon. The AH for lead acid battery isn't much an issue here not unless your lawn mower battery is not a lead acid type. Just remember to use proper jumper wires and keep engine running while charging otherwise you may find two flat useless batteries.

Can I charge a 12v lawn mower battery with my car alternator?

Q. My battery is low on my Snapper lawn mower, (U1-7 battery).
I want to connect cables to my truck battery and the other end to the lawn mower battery to charge it. Is this okay to do?

Most informative will receive "BEST."

12 volts is 12 volts regardless of size.

You may create a problem with the charging circuit on the mower if your battery is considerably discharged and the battery draws a lot of power as it recharges.

The standard charge circuit on a riding lawnmower is not designed to recharge batteries. They are designed to "maintain" battery voltage.
You may burn up the alternator on the inside of the flywheel if you don't charge the battery first.

I recommend using an automotive battery charger to fully charge you battery first.
Then check for a blown 15 amp fuse behind the instrument panel.

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Kamis, 01 Agustus 2013

Need help with mushrooms growing all over my lawn?

best lawn mower for steep hills on The rest of my yard is only a slight grade downhill and I wont have ...
best lawn mower for steep hills image


Almost overnight, I suddenly have had mushrooms sprout all over my front lawn. I have small round brown ones scattered, and large rippled white ones growing along with a few other different kinds. My front yard is on a very steep hill and its always sunny since there are no trees. How can I stop them from growing or kill them? I live in Colorado around Denver if that makes a difference.

Enjoy them. I used to live in Denver. It is so dry usually that mushrooms come and go in a day or two at the most. But I see your problem.

They grow mostly on cellulose matter, but nitrogen will sometimes spur their growth. If you use a fertilizer or mulch or compost on the lawn, then stop. If there are leaves from the trees, or too much shading, consider getting rid of the trees. If you use a mulching mower, that leaves cellulose on the ground.

Like I said, this is not a long term problem in Denver. I guess you have had a lot of rain this year, which is the root of the problem. Rake them up once and you might never see them again.

Here is another thing you can try. They like an acidic environment, so if you have wood ash or know someone who does, scatter that on your lawn very lightly, maybe a little more heavily where you have had mushrooms come up. Wood ash has extremely high pH. Higher than baking soda.

why am i so sore after cutting the grass?

Madam Sass

okay so i was paid 20 bucks by my dad to mow our lawn and me have a lot of yard with some big steep hills and no riding lawn mower. so i do it then i come inside and get something to snack on. i feel sore because my stomach was hurting so i flexed and my stomach muscles where hurting really bad then my shoulder then my back. im only 14 but do u think i strained my muscles while mowing?

NO I think you may have used some muscles that you don't normally use (by texting on your cell or playing video games on the couch) But if you keep active those muscles won't stay sore for long. Your rider does not have the same type of suspension as a car so it will tend to "jerk" you around a bit more also. If this is a problem ask your dad if you can do the lawn with a self propelled "push mower" instead but then your legs might be sore from walking (up and down those big hills) Best that you ask for a raise for doing this chore maybe like $25 instead?....R

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Rabu, 31 Juli 2013

Random stuff left behind in houses?

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Veronica S

I just went on my first house tour and was amazed by the random stuff I found left behind. One house had a chicken figure with feathers glued on it. One garage had 3 lawn mowers, 2 printers, 5 tv's, 3 bikes, and much more...

I am wondering what funny/random/gross/amazing things people have found while touring homes or moving in.

I once sold a house in the UK that had been repossessed and had been left with a tap running for at least a fortnight.

The house had an abundance of fruitflies, mould, mildew damp and by the time we had sold it, it even had mushrooms and grass growing on the carpet.

My dad was looking for a book on wind energy?


My father saw this book that you could convert a old lawn mower engine into some kind of wind turbine or something?? I am not sure even really what it was about but was hoping someone on here could point me in the right direction.

He might be thinking of the Mother Earth news "Handbook of Home Made Power," which is not all that good. There are maybe 4 projects worth looking at, but they comprise only a small portion of the book. The book is more about just talking about home made power.

Send him to these links:

He will also find this site useful:

Be forewarned, there is a lot of trash on the web, and some people try the dangerous shortcut of using plastic pipe for windmill blades- this can have deadly consequences. For the propellers, he should stick with the Hugh Piggott design.

Another good source for books of many topics:

A vendor for "one stop" shopping

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How to build a Go Kart?

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So, I want to build a more substancial go kart. Something like the Arial Atom with the exoskeleton deal going on, but with a motorcycle engine. I might put a convertible system on it... how hard would that be? Maybe something like the Lambo Murcielago where you have to basically pin the roof on. What type of engine should I use? I can't use a lawn mower because it's not horizontal shaft. I was thinking of a dirt bike or a scooter or a motorcycle engine instead of a proper... go kart engine (

What engine should I use? I thought a motorcycle - I could have a speedo and all the gears etc already to rock. How much do you think it would cost for the engine? How big should it be? I want the kart to be able to push me and a friend around & maybe my dad...(~300lbs)... the frame (~600lbs?)...and everything else (~100lbs) That's 1000lbs... is that too heavy? So how many horses would I need to get this thing to roughly 45-55mph?


if you go 45-55 in a cart with no suspension you will bounce
up and tumble end over end until you are nothing but
chucky jelly

UK, USA, Australia or Canada... who's best, and give your reasons...?


UK. My reasons, we have Adele, Coldplay, The Beatles, Queen, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, The Rolling Stones, Mumford and Sons, Oasis, etc... America has Kesha and Canada has Justin Bieber and Australia has Cody Simpson, I know One Direction are British but they actually have good music. we INVENTED free health care after England was done with war, Canada thinks they did though but they just belong to British Commonwealth, other countries try and take credit for what England has done and hold England back and claim their people, even the Bee Gees were British but because they lived in Australia for a few years, Australians claim them as Aussies when they were born and raised in UK. We have Simon Cowell who invented X Factor and most other cool talent shows like Britain's got Talent and America's got Talent. We get free education and don't have to pay to go to school or college, we also have one of the best education systems. We have Kings, Queens, Princes and Princesses, Royal weddings are a big deal, we have the best history, you speak our English language, Britain invented the World Wide Web, Telephone and Television, I know other countries deny it but look it up, example, Tim Berners-Lee from London, UK invented the Internet and the two men who invented the television and the telephone are Scottish. And without England, America and Canada wouldn't exist since they used to belong to the British Monarchy. London is a cool place for tourism because we have Big Ben, London Bridge, Buckingham Palace, The London Eye, The tower of London, The house of parliament, etc... Our flag looks the best too. We are also the classiest. And we invented The Apprentice, The Office, Dr Who and Harry Potter and America gives us JERSEY SHORE?! America also made crappy remakes of British shows like Skins, Shameless, The Apprentice, The Office and now they are doing Sherlock and Misfts, I don't know how they even try to pull them off when most of the shows are based on British culture. And the whole of UK is not even the size of California and texas put together. We had a female prime minister YEARS ago, we are a lot less sexist, homophobic and judgmental than Americans in general. WE WIN.

Now, who do you think wins and what are your reasons? You can name another country too. Name as many reasons as you can.

UK. The United Kingdom is wonderfully diverse but not in the same way it is in many other places. Besides places like china town in London, most communities don't live in their own groups but equally throughout the country, more in major cities obviously. The United Kingdom has not just English, but other historic languages originating here as well which can include Welsh/Celtic, Cornish. The music is brilliant with some of the best music festivals I have ever seen. The incredible history going back before ancient Roman times offers unique architecture London. The National Health Service offers free health care and good health care to ALL citizens. The education system, although mistreated by many and taken for granted is, subject to opinion, very good. The politics is surprisingly fascinating, hilarious at points and most of its problems are usually exaggerated. The landscape of the countryside is beautiful with much to offer. I prefer British television because channels like those of the BBC mean that you can watch and enjoy a whole range of different programs, factual or fictional, Science - Fiction to lifestyle and non-commercialized plus there are great programs. I never liked Pop Idol, and I don't like the X factor or Britain's got talent but they started in this country and like many other programs including the office and top gear are just recreated for other county's sake. There's no need to pay for college or sixth-form, university is different. Britain in general has a smaller racism, sexism and homophobia problem than the USA and as guns are illegal, which I respect is also true for other countries, means less gun crime. London is the best city in the world. I have been to New York, Berlin, and many other places on holiday but London was and I think always will be the best. I like the fact its very difficult to get fired, if very difficult to get a job anyway. There is pride amongst the people, contrary to popular belief. You may hear many Muslim horror stories but according to a recent survey by the guardian, 83% of people are proud to be British. The location, easy access to mainland Europe and/or the Republic of Ireland. There are a great quantity of additional positives to say for the UK but my personal favorite, which you can interpret as a negative is the fact that it's so brilliantly diverse and this meeting of cultures provides so much for this country from food to music. There are negatives, the class system is still in working order, you can distinguish the lady from the tramp in every town or city. You can guarantee a drought every year in the south-east and binge-drinking lets the country down, I think. Australia beats us at weather and at spo- no I can't say it. Canada has a beautiful landscape with plenty to offer and the US offers there own romantic history from the 18th-20th centuries.They offer much to modern youth culture from TV to music to other forms of media. Every country has positives and negatives but my heart will remain with the United Kingdom.

I agree with 'A.' What a country offers to the rest of the world is important. The UK invented:
- Lawn Mower
- Microphones
- The world's most popular sports from football to cricket.
- "See the Wikipedia site below" Much was invented and discovered here.

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How much should I sell my lawn mower for?

best lawn mower $300 on Toro Commercial Grade Heavy Duty Self-Propelled Mower Honda Engine (21
best lawn mower $300 image

David s

I have a whiteLt542G riding lawn mower its 3 years old and in great shape. When it was new it was $1,300 what would a fair re sale price be. Heres a link to the mowers like the one I have any help would be apreciated. Since I know nothing on this

According to the Grounds Maintenance Equipment Blue Book If you are selling it out right, about $650. Trade in value is between $400-$600.

What is a good push lawn mower for tall grass?


I want to get a nice push lawn mower that is eligible to cut lawn grass. My lawn is really long I can't wait any longer to cut it, so I need to buy one today! I was looking to buy one of these at mabe Homedepot or Lowes.

Anything you can recommend would be great. I have budget of 300$ so please keep it around that.

any good gas lawnmower is okay. just cut at highest level and re-cut till you reach the height you want..
slow and easy

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What do I do about grass clippings?

best lawn mower for wet grass on ... Bushel Power Flow Bagger | Mutton Power Equipment - Fort Wayne, IN
best lawn mower for wet grass image

Cat Woman

My lawn mower does not have a mulch feature. I know that it is not good to leave big mounds of clippings from overgrown or wet grass on your lawn since it would smother the grass. But if I mow my lawn a second time, spreading the clippings out that way, it looks fine. Is that okay, or should I rake it up, given that my mower does not "mulch." And....if it must have a mulch feature, is that something that can be added to my mower? I have both a riding mower and a self-propelled push mower.

mowing the second time will probably work fine-as long as you don't have 'rows' of clippings left....even then you can let dry a bit then take a fan type rake and turn it over and use it to fan out the piles....clippings left on the lawn will help add needed can check with a mower repair shop about adding a mulcher to your exising mower but easiest way would be to just add a mulching blade
good luck!

what would happen to my lawn mower if I would to use while it was raining?


I was cuting grass when it started to sprinkle.I kept going and it kept sprinkling.Finally i decide to stop because i thought it was going to start raining.But what would have happen if i would kept going and my lawn mower would got wet?

Nothing really, grass tends to stick to the under-body of the mower when it is wet and this will in-turn slow the blade resulting in an unclean cut and a general loss of power.

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Selasa, 30 Juli 2013

What is the ideal mowing deck height for a lawn mower?

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best zoysia lawn mower image

Sam N

When i mow my yard and my customers yards i want the best results for them as well as me. I want to know the ideal mowing deck height so the grass isn't too short or too long.

Honestly, it all depends on what type of grass you are mowing. Bermuda and zoysia can be cut really short. And all others (too many to mention) have other varying heights.

Can I seed centipede grass on top of an established lawn seeded with fescue in June?


My lawn is currently somewhat green/brown and I desire a green lawn for the upcoming hot summer months

I personally had great success overseeding with centipede (I live in a southern state). As opposed to the aforementioned method, I utilized a "de thatching" blade on my lawn mower set at the lowest setting, which tore out all the old thatch and exposed the ground for the seeds (which need to be kept damp after sowing, of course).

Having said that, my greatest success in re-seeding my southern lawn has been through the use of Zoysia plugs (available online through various nurseries). They took much longer to establish than the centipede (about 3-4 years), but now never require water, and keep a dense, carpet-like mat of turf all summer long. Check out Zoysia before you make your final decision to go with centipede.

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What are the best headphones to use while mowing?

best lawn mower in uk on LAWN MOWER HAYTER � Lawn Mowers
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I do a lot of lawn mowing on a riding lawn mower, and would really like to be able to listen to music while mowing. What are some good inexpensive ($50 or less) over ear headphones that would block out the sound from the mower so that I don't have to crank up the volume too loud?

Thanks in advance!

You need a closed-back design like the Sennheiser HD205...around £35 in UK. $45 in USA . . .
The HD200 series headphones are of good quality apart from the cheapest 201 which isn't a great success by Sennheiser standards, and includes models like the 215 and 218 used in many professional studios..
215 on here 7 lines down and I now have some 570s....whooopeeeeeee! . . . . .
There are also the 300, 400 etc series headphones with the some of the 600 series phones costing over $300, and the extra special limited edition electrostatic headphone and matching amplifier individually hand built and matched to be perfect partners near as possible with current technology.
....the Sennhieser Orpheus at $20 000+ new....if you can find some. . . . . . .
Only 300 were made making the resale price very high. This one, with two headphones, went for more than $26 000 second-hand. . . . . .
It's only rival for sound quality is the Stax Omega 11 for the price of a couple of decent ride-on lawnmowers but the Sennheiser HD800 comes close enough to the Stax for a third of the price. . . . . . . . . .

My favourite ( back to affordable kit) is the HD570 Symphony headphones but they are now discontinued and hard to find ( took me months to track some down) , and I also use the HD 580 and HD595 for serious listening, and the HD500 as everyday big phones, which all completely cover the ears and keep external noise at bay reasonably well, and the smaller HD25 for traveling....the same model as was used on all Concorde flights...which are also good at suppressing external noise but don't cover the ears completely like the 205 and the others mentioned. . . . . .
You can also get noise canceling headphones but those that work well tend to be very expensive.
Ordinary terms (high street terms) expensive that is, not ultra-crazy expensive like the Orpheus.
Have fun.

Does anyone have a link to a schedule for yard work and maintenance?


Like what to do throughout the year with specific steps and what products to buy like fertilizer and junk? We already have basic tools like lawn mower and trimmer btw.

This might be what you're looking for.

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How do I repair my 4 stroke Lawn Mower and its ignition coil?

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I have a 4 stroke Lawn Mower from G.M.C and it now doesn't want to start. I now have 2 problems when I only had one before. The first problem was that it wouldn't start despite having petrol and having the sludge removed from the deposit cup on the carburetor and having spark from the plug..

I now have a 2nd problem and now there is no spark coming from the plug after testing the lead with another plug. I have removed the top housing from the lawn mower and noticed it has a coil that contacts with the part that revolves after pulling the starter string.
The surface does look a bit rusted all around, where the flywheel is on top of and where the coil has contact with. It has a powdery surface that is somewhat slightly rusted.

MIGHT TRY cleaning the surfaces of the magnets on the flywheel & the surface of the "coil " with emery cloth ( sand paper )...and also, there is a aluminum key in the fly wheel & crank shaft,
its purpose is to shear if the blade hits something. If its only sheared a LITTLE BIT, you'll not have any spark

Where can I buy an ignition coil for 4 stroke lawn mower?


I have a 4 stroke lawn mower from G.M.C and this thing just doesn't want to start after letting it out in the rain a number of times. I have cleaned the deposit cup from the carburetor, petrol in the tank, and have checked the plug for a spark which did have a tiny spark. I tested it with another plug and had no spark and placed the original one back in and no longer a spark.

I removed the top housing and realized that the coil has a contact with the part that revolves when the starter string is pulled.
Also can I just use the existing gaskets and seals by tightening the nuts a little tighter to ensure a firm contact on surface?

give a light rub / clean between the contacts with fine dry " wet n dry " paper .. do not do any adjustments with the rotor and contacts with spanners or drivers ... buy new plug .. spray all electrics with " CRC ".. good soaking ..wipe excess off then allow to dry carby ready to start ...put engine ready on compression stroke ... spray some " Aerostart " in carby throat ... wait a few seconds ... try starting ...

as for the gaskets ..if not broken smear some general purpose grease or a light application of non hardening silicon on both sides before re assemble ... seals ... liberal coating with clean engine oil ... do not over tighten nuts ...up firm .. then 1/4 more turn should be enough ...


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what would you pay for an 18 year old ride behind lawn mower?

best lawn mower $500 on ... Williamsburg Colonial Garden Shed Precut Kit : Patio, Lawn & Garden
best lawn mower $500 image

a friend of mine is selling a old ride behind lawn mower and i don't know what to pay for it. i have to make an offer.

Sorry. I disagree. It depends on the machine. I bought a 1969 John Deere with a 10hp Kolher engine. It was, and still is, well maintained and it works better and has fewer problems than my 5 year old Craftsman which seems to need some type of repair every year. I paid $500 for the JD and $1200 for the Craftsman with a Briggs & Stratton engine. The B&S is not known for its long life, so see what type of engine it has. If it's a Briggs or Tecumseh, offer less. If its a Kohler, Onan, or Honda, it's worth more. If I had to choose between my 2 mowers, without a doubt it would be the 40 year old JD. Old does not necessarily mean junk.

site I can buy a used riding lawn mower?


I have a lawn business. I am only 16 so dont give me a 1,500 lawn mower. My spending limit is about 800.
i already tried Craiglist
i live in St.Loius Missouri

2011 Troy Built Lawn Tractor - $800 (St. Jacob, IL)

42 in Sear riding mower - $300 (livingston il)

riding mower craftsman - $200 (arnold mo)

Cub Cadet 682 Riding Lawn Mower - $450 (Independence)

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How do I clear out my garden and start from scratch?

best lawn mower on hills on Music's Top 10 Procrastinators (Page 2)  News
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Lunar Sara

I live on the hill and have a long driveway. At the top, I have a retaining wall that's about 3 and a half feet high. Past the wall, the garden is at about a 45 degree angle for about six feet (~20 feet across), then the ground levels out into my yard/grass. The garden is completely overgrown with weeds, poison ivy, etc. Normally I would just take the lawn mower to it and mow everything down, but due to the angle, I won't be able to easily get at it with a lawn mower.
I can't seem to figure out what the best way to attack it is. I don't want to just dive in and start pulling because I'll be up to my elbows in poison ivy, spiders and possible snakes.

Any ideas would be helpful.
Suggestions beyond hiring someone to do it. Thanks.

I'd borrow a couple goats from the neighbors and let them have at it for a week or two, then do a cut and fill terrace and solarize.

No goats? Apply a good layer of poison ivy barrier cream like Ivy Block or Onguard to all exposed skin. Wearing long sleeved shirt, long pants, gloves, and with a sweat rag tied around your forehead if it's a warm day, start at the driveway with loppers and work across, bundling the materials for composting. DO NOT BURN PI!!! It can, however, be safely composted.

Then continue with cut and fill and solarization. Intermediate retaining walls may be needed.

Can you be partially paralyzed from spinal cord injury?

Mike Boatr

Years ago I tweaked my back snowboarding like 17 years ago i was ok thought I broke my back but I WAS ok. Now today I was pushing a lawn mower up a hill and my foot slipped causing me to lunge forward in an awkward position it hurt a bit no pop just a weird feeling. Now the top of my legs or quads are numbish I feel out of balance I may have broken my back just today without even realizing it?

No, most likely you slipped a disc or you already had a spinal hernia and the fall has made it protrude a little more, compressing your nerves and giving you that numb feeling.
You will not be able to move if you had broken your back.
I strongly suggest a visit to your doctor or even a&e just to rule out any serious trauma.
Good luck.

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Senin, 29 Juli 2013

Are non gas lawn mowers effective?

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best gas lawn mower image


I'm debating on whether or not to go with the old school non gas lawn know all metal ones you see on Leave It To Beaver and My Three Sons? LOL. Anyway, I've been told by a friend of mine that they are effective in that, they don't leave long grass clippings and that they cut every bit as well as a regular lawn mower. Any thoughts on the pros and cons of this?

I actually used one for several years, and they work really well. You can buy them at Sears which is where I got mine. They are so much cheaper than a gas powered mower, and so much quieter., and there is no stinky gas or gas fumes to deal with. They are also quite easy to push, and actually kindof fun to use. The clippings left on the ground are good for the soil. The only cons that I can see, is that if you have a really large yard, it might take a little longer to mow it, also you can't let your grass grow too long, because it will be more difficult to cut, and the clippings will be long-and you may have to rake them up. I don't believe the old school mowers have any sort of mulching abilities to take care of long clippings (but you can get a little container that sits behind it to collect clippings, I believe)

What else do I need to buy when I buy I gas lawn mower?


I am buying a gas lawn mower, but don't know what else I need.

yes gas and a gas can, most of them already come with the oil. maybe you want to go all out and get the string trimmer and an edger.

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How to make $500 into $600 or more in months?

best lawn mower around $200 on Looking for a great mower for less than $200?
best lawn mower around $200 image


I have around $500 with me and would like to increase it more to maybe $100 in 1 or 2 months time. What should I do? I'm currently unemployed to take care of family.

Mowing lawns is a good option, you could buy an old lawn mower for under 100 dollars. Mow about 4 lawns per day at around 25 dollars. You make 100 dollars per day, and if you work three days a week. You are making 300 dollars per week, part time. Therefore you make 1,200 in a months time.

You could wash cars, you could charge 20 dollars to wash a car. You should be able to do about 4 cars in two hours. Charge around 20 dollars and you make around 80 dollars per day. If you want to make more money you could detail cars, you make around 125 dollars on average for detailing cars. But it require more work to do, if you choose this route. The best product to get is optimum no rinse and go on the forum called autopia and autogeek.

Next start an office cleaning or window cleaning business, you can get all of the equipment for under 100 dollars.

Can anyone help me with a certain math word problem?

Alexis's L

I am having some trouble with this one word problem. Any help would be kindly appreciated, but please show me how you get the answer.

1. Two people must mow a rectangular lawn measuring 100 feet by 200 feet. The first person agrees to mow 3/4 of the lawn and starts by mowing around the outside. How wide a strip must the person mow on each of the four sides? Also, if the mower has a 24-inch cut, approximate the required number of trips around the lawn.

Area = w * l = 100ft * 200ft = 20,000ft²

>The first person (A) agrees to mow 3/4 of the lawn
=> A must cut 3/4 * 20,000ft²

>and starts by mowing around the outside. How wide a strip must the person mow on each of the four sides?

Well if the width cut out from each of four sides was x, then the width of the outer shape would be: (200)(100) - (200-2x)(100-2x)
which we require to be 3/4 * (200)(100)
(200)(100) - (200-2x)(100-2x) = 3/4 * (200)(100)
Extracting a factor 4...
(100)(50) - (100-x)(50-x) = 3/4 * (100)(50)
5000 - 5000 +150x -x² = 3750
x² -150x + 3750 = 0
x = [150 ± â(150² - 4(1)(3750))]/ 2(1)
x = [150 ± â(22500 - 15000)]/ 2
x = [150 ± â(7500)]/ 2
x = [150 ± 50â3]/ 2
x = 50 [3 ± â3]/ 2
x = 31.7ft (ignore the other (extraneous) solution)

Also, if the mower has a 24-inch cut, approximate the required number of trips around the lawn.

31.7ft / 2ft â 16 trips [SOLUTION]
The rest isn't necessary, but the exact area if A cuts a decreasing spiral, with a cut-width c=2ft:

Assuming A starts horizontally, first cut is 200ft*2ft
Next cut is vertical, with area: (100-2)ft * 2ft
Next cut is horizontal, with area: (200-2)ft * 2ft
Next cut is vertical, with area: (100-2(2))ft * 2ft

So the area of the ith horizontal cut is
A(i) = (200-2(i))*2 = 4(100-i)
starting numbering from i=0.
and area of the ith vertical cut is
A(i) = (100-2(i))*2 = 4(50-i)
starting numbering from i=1 (! not 0, different to horizontal).
So the area of both the ith horizontal+vertical cuts is:
A(i) = 4(150-i)

Noting the special case A(0) = 400
then the total area cut after the nth cut is:
S(n) = A(0)+ Σ_i=1_i=n A(i)
S(n) = 400+ Σ_i=1_i=n 4(150-i)
= 400+ (4)(150)n - 4 (n)(n+1)/2
= 400+ 600n - 2n² -2n
= 400+ 598n - 2n²
and you could get the exact solution by solving
S(n) = 3/4 * (200)(100)

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Minggu, 28 Juli 2013

What is the value of a snapper riding lawn mower, 2002 model?

best lawn mower with bagger on LAWN MOWER OR TRACTOR � Lawn Mowers
best lawn mower with bagger image


12.5HP Briggs I/C Engine, 28" deck, electric start with single bagger kit. Series 21.


Is my Lawn mower a two stroke or 4?

Q. I have a used craftsman eagle-1, 4.0, 20 inch blade rear bagger I just bought at a swap meet and I assume it was a 4 stroke but then I over thought it, so here we are at the question? lol I just want to make sure before I gas it up! Thanks ahead!
oh yea! duh! thanks!!! It has separate oil reservoir, thus I should of known the answer!(my brains out of order today) Thanks guys (n girls) for the answers! its a four! (its an older model thats what initially got me wondering)

One easy way to tell is to look if it has a place for you to put oil in. Four stroke engines take oil in the crank case so if you have a place to fill it with oil it is a 4 stroke. Two stroke engines, on the other hand, us a gas/oil mixture. If there is not place to put oil in the crank case it is a two stroke engine.

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