Sabtu, 17 Mei 2014

Which lawn mower is right for me?


I am purchasing my first house and I am going to need a lawn mower. I really need a riding mower, but there is no way it is in the budget. I have 3/4 acre of lawn. There are a five large trees and multiple small trees and some dips. Any suggestions or advice would help.

just get a 22 inch cut push mower 6.5 hp and do the service work on it and you should be ok good luck

Buying a new lawn mower, electric or gas?


I am a home owner with a small yard that takes about 45 minutes to cut. As a home owner cutting grass is the bane of my existence so I am not the neatest neighbor and tend to cut only twice a month. In addition I am very mechanically dis-inclined such that my past cheapo lawn mowers tend to last between a year and a year and a half. Suggestions (besides hiring other to do it).

With what you have and what your preferences are, I would go with the electric mower.

The advantages:
1- It is virtually maintenance free. It either starts or doesn't. The only thing for you to do is check the power source and the connection. The are numerous things that can make a gas operated mower not operate.

2- One thing I found is that an electric mower tends not to bog down in tall grass like a gas operated mower can.

3- The cost of powering the mower is cheaper than gas. No gas, no oil, no spark plugs, etc.

4- You are buying less extra parts.

5- You don't have to make sure the gas is emptied out of the tank at the end of the season.

6- Less noise.

Yes, you have to be careful not to cut the cord but it becomes second nature with practice. I've done it once in 15 years. They have accessories that can help keep the cord from the blades.

If you had to cut a half acre or run out 250' of cord to mow, gas op would be the way to go.

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want to buy an inexpensive used lawn mower?


a used inexpensive walk behind mower in great working condition

Try the local swap papers, and local advertisements in your newspaper for purchasing used lawn mowers (and used lawn mowers for sale).

Im getting a lawn mower and i dont know if their will be any left for sale?

Daniel Woo

Im going to my local sears store. their website says that their are only 3 more of the kind of mower i want left. I cant get it for a couple weeks. Will they be sold out? Will the store get more of them? HELP!!!!!

My first suggestion is to forget Sears. If you can pay cash, Craigslist has many good used mowers all the time. If you want a cheap mower same quality as Sears, Lowe's and Home Depot carry similar and they will match any price.

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Jumat, 16 Mei 2014

What is the best way to convert a gas powered lawn mower to electric power? Best batteries?


The yard I mow with the mower I want to convert is almost 5 acres. What's the ideal mower to use for converting purposes?

Any mower will do.
There is 2 ways of doing this.
First is to take a riding lawn mower and remove the engine and axle. Replace the axle with an electric transaxle (These are quite common these day), look for one that is minimum 1000 to 1200 watts. You will need a motor controller for this and throttle (There are foot pedal throttles.), make sure the controller has a reverse function on it. Then you will need a motor (At least 1hp to run the blades - single blde of 36", 2hp for multiple blades)

or, use a lawn mower that has a hydrualic transaxle (very common these days) on it. This way you don't have to purchase a new axle and controller. With this you will need at least a 3hp DC motor that runs at 3500-3700rpm.

Most mowers now use a belt system to transfer power from the motor to the axle and blades.

Now batteries.....this is where it gets expensive. It needs batteries that have a high amp output(Discharge rate), with a high aH (Amp Hour)..and if you use a 24, 36 or 48DC motor, these can range from $300 to $1000 each. (i.e. golf cart batteries which are generally 6 volts). Or you can go for some exoctic battery packs, but these can run $1200 - $3000.

This is why the major manufactuers like Deere don't have any models really to speak of. It's not the cost of manufacturing the battery riding mower, which is about the same as a gas mower, but it is the cost of the batteries. (Say a $1400 riding gas mower, would be about $3500 - $4500 as a battery mower.)

There are some great sites out there for batteries and motors. You can search under "EV", electric vehichle supplies.

By the way, I am making a riding battery lawn mower for myself right now for my 2 acres.

Will homeowner's insurance cover a ride on lawn mower that caught on fire?

October ba

My brother-in-law was riding the lawnmower and it backfired, so he got off to check the engine and when he opened it up there were flames shooting out. They don't have a fire extinguisher, so he put baking soda on it, but it didn't work. He tried flour (bad idea) and then sand. Finally, a neighbor came over with a fire extinguisher and put it out. I guess the hood is melted and the wires are all melted.

My husband seems to think that this would be covered under home owners insurance as personal belongings. Is he right?

Yes, this would be covered under most homeowners policies. When it comes to Coverage C items (personal property) - it has to be one of the named perils that causes the damage. Fire is a named peril. For it to be fire - there has to be a flame - smoldering does not count. You had flame. The fact that the fire was caused because of a mechanical failure is not really a problem.

Now....lawn maintenance equipment is usually settled at actual cash value. That means - the cost to replace with a similar item less depreciation.

For example - the mower is 8 years old. It is the kind of thing you can buy at Lowes - what they call a "garden tractor". You have a 500 deductible. The cost to replace the mower is 1000.00. The insurance company would take the 1000 replacement cost and subtract for deprecation 8 years, say 40%. (40% of 1000 = 400. therefore: 1000-400 = 600.00. From this, we subtract the deductible -500.00. Therefore, the policy would pay you 100. That is probably not worth filing a claim for.

Before you file a claim. I suggest you price out the cost of replacing the lawn mower with a similar one and then talk to your agent. Depending on the replacement cost, age of the mower and your deductible - it may not be worth filing the claim.

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what is the resale value of my john deere riding lawnmower?

kellie S

Long time ago it might be something cool and expensive to have for a man's toy for his yard. Nowadays, you can get it from Lowe's home improvement for about a little over $ 1,000, and get a nice one. If you didn't have Lowe's charge card yet when you apply for it then you might get 10% off. The catch is pay off as soon as you could, and don't buy anything else with it. Then chances are you wouldn't come ahead with the deal. Enjoy your yard.

Cost to repair seized lawnmower motor?


I ran my oil too low in my Husquavarna riding mower with a Kohler Cougar 20 motor model SV600. It got the shakes and I shut it down, then wouldn't start again. I was able to free it a little turning the flywheel but I can feel where it catches and still won't start on its own. Any ideas what my stupidity is going to cost me?

You'll have to find out what sort of repairs it will need. Call some places that deal with Husqvarna riding mowers and inquire some costs, labor and parts.
Hope you have better luck

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Kamis, 15 Mei 2014

starting a lawn mower company?

mychal f

i am starting a lawn mower company and i am going to be needing help on some ideas on what i should put write on my flares to start this company, and how much should i charge on each lawn

any ideas would help

thank you

What do others charge? How big is the lawn? If you are going to do free estamites? Normal is $18-$40 pre lawn (depending onwhere you live). I had 2 of them for about 2-5years, sold both. If you have a family Please stay organized and don't forget them.

On your flyers:the company name/ logo, your name, number, free estimates, a pucture (not of self).

Need Help Thinking of a name for my lawn mower company?

Dee C

starting a grass cutting business and need a name! hELp!

is it a legite business...i mean like a serious one?

cutting edge mowing service

John Doe's grass cutting

mainly grass

the lawn clipping specialist

John Doe's mowing service

lawn mowing and edging
any of the above with your phone nnumber on vehicle???? if not putting on vehicle then have a sign at your house maybe?? I don't know anything about having a business but I hope this helped some

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Riding Lawn Mower?


I do hope im posting this in the right section. I bought a John Deere riding lawnmower. I hate it!!! from the moment the thing was delivered. I also bought the dump trailer, i hate it to...I bought it to so i can load it with horse poo and i would be able to dump it, to bad i have to shovel it out! Now tomorrow i plan on going to Lowes and telling them to come pick up this piece of (word not allow on answers).
Now my question is what mower should i look at buying? I have a Murray and the thing is well over 10 years old and still running and can out run the John Deere. I have looked at Husqvarna and the Craftman. Would like some help here before i lose my mind....Thanks ") I will be shopping tomorrow and would like to pick a new one up then.
I do use it for mowing and for towing. I have 22 acres. Wanted something to perform both functions.

I suppose that you're using the small trailer designed to carry 800 lbs. If so when buying your new mower buy a garden tractor series which has the transmission capable of towing that weight. Lawn tractors are able to pull themselves and the rider and that's about it. Yardman (MTD) has a garden tractor series and so do many others. Husqvarna is made by MTD now but I don't remember seeing a garden tractor series. I could be wrong. Craftsman are way too expensive. Sears way of telling their customers that they appreciate their business. Many people have been stung by that John Deere junk so don't feel bad. Nothing manufactured today is what is used to be nor what it should be.

Where do I find a price on a used 1992 Ranch King Rider Lawn Mower?


I see an asking price on eBay of $975.00 for a 1998 Ranch King Pro 22 HP with 50" deck. Here is the listing:

An 18 HP Ranch King riding mower with 46" deck sold for $555.00 on e-Bay. Do not know the year. Here is the listing:

Maybe these listings can help you set the price for your Ranch King.

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Can you help with Lawn Mower Maintenance?


I am a lawncare newbie (I've lived in an apartment the majority of my life). Now that spring is here, I need to get my lawn mower ready. How do I change the oil?? Sharpen the blades? What to use for an oil catch pan? I feel stupid for asking these questions, but I was never taught this growing up. Any help/suggestions are appreciated.

Quick and dirty for lawn mower tune ups:

1. Pull the spark plug. If it's fouled, replace it. Better yet, replace it anyway, as they only cost a few bucks.

2. Unscrew the air filter cover (or unsnap it, if it snaps into place) and check to see how dirty it is. If it has a foam element over it, clean the element with water, dry it, then squeeze some motor oil onto it and wring it out (it should seem mostly oil free, but still tacky). If the air filter itself is dirty, replace it. IMPORTANT: If the air filter looks even slightly dirty, replace it. The particles caught by the main filter are too small to see by the naked eye, so if you see particles, it is over-dirty.

3. Drain and replace oil:
- The drain plug will be square, so you can't miss it. It is normally located on the lower side of the engine (riders) or the underside (push). Simply unscrew with a sizable pan under it. Riders have 2-4 quarts of oil, Pushes have just over 1 quart normally.
- Once the oil is drained, replace the plug and fill it with the recommended oil (riders normally take 10W30, pushes normally take SAE30). Every brand has different specs, so look in your manual! Do not listen to people who say "every mower takes ..."
- Do not over fill the oil! The oil dipstick will tell you if it should be crewed in or not while checking oil level. On screw-in types, if you do not screw it in while checking the level, you will drastically overfill the crankcase and cause the engine to seize up in short order. (made a LOT of money from that one)

4: Sharpening the blades: Don't do this yourself! If not properly balanced after sharpening, you will destroy your spindle bearing (riders) or destroy your engine crankshaft (pushes). Not to mention sharpening a blade is not as easy as it looks. The angle must be right and mulching blades require steady hands to avoid damaging the blade beyond repair.

5: General lube/cleaning:
- Spray your mower down with degreaser and let it sit for a few minutes. Spray off with a jet water nozzle.
- Drip oil anywhere a hinge or cable opening resides.
- Grease anywhere a grease nipple resides (you need a grease gun for this). Many riders have them, almost no pushes have them. If you do grease, grease until grease comes out of an opening. Greasing a few shots does not cut it.

6: Check belts for damage. Replace if any damage is seen, especially dry rot! Belts take a lot of torture, but a damaged belt will fail in short order and sometimes a bit of damage to the mower or you upon failure.

7: Check tire pressure. Fill tires to nominal PSI stated on the side of the tire. e.g.: Different tire pressures in the rear end of a rider can (and will) kill your tranny. Sometimes the little things make a big difference.

8: Prior to storage, always put fuel stabilizer in the your mower and run it for a few minutes. Many people will say "run it out of gas to prevent fuel clogs", they are ignorant! No fuel = no lubrication of the rubber gaskets in the carb, which = dry, cracked gaskets in the spring and a complete carb rebuild in your future. PS: Carb rebuild kits cost very little, but let your mechanic do the job if you are not knowledgable in the area, as a properly tuned mower will add years, if not decades to its lifespan.

Doing your own mechanic's projects are fun and instantly rewarding when done properly. Why let your mechanic get all of the gratification? Do it yourself and save a few bucks at the same time, when appropriate.

Have fun!

Can I put regular 10w30 motor oil in my lawn mower?


Will it mess up my lawn mower?

I use Castrol GTX in all my yard tools. The only differences between a $2.50 quart of GTX and $6.95 pint of the correct stuff is price and quality. GTX is less expensive and its a real formulation that will clean better than the "Correct" stuff.

Now if you are mixing it with gasoline for a 2 cycle engine the exact opposite is true. The additives that make GTX good as a motor oil make it very bad as a 2 cycle oil. Stick with straight oil designed for mixing in 2 cycle engines.

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Rabu, 14 Mei 2014

What is the ideal mowing deck height for a lawn mower?

Sam N

When i mow my yard and my customers yards i want the best results for them as well as me. I want to know the ideal mowing deck height so the grass isn't too short or too long.

Honestly, it all depends on what type of grass you are mowing. Bermuda and zoysia can be cut really short. And all others (too many to mention) have other varying heights.

GANG REEL MOWERS??? Does anyone know how well they work?


I just bought a home with five acres of land, most of it native grass/weeds with a nice lawn nearer the house. I went out and ordered a 26HP Craftsman riding mower with a 54 inch mowing deck to get through the thicker stuff first, but then plan on getting a 5 or 7 gang reel mower so I can have a large manicured lawn where the kids can play practically anything they want. There is a 1/4 acre pond which has weeds growing around the periphery and I would like to clean this out when I mow, so some of the gang reels would get wet as I get close to the edge of the pond. Safety is a main concern, if the lawn is well manicured and relatively short, probably with zoysia grass (which is weather and drought resistant) the problems associated with fire ants and snakes will be minimized. I plan on leaving the outer edges of the property "wild" and planting three or four rows or trees, probably pines, for privacy and for the wild animals to have some refuge. Is this overkill? What do you say?

Gang reel mowers are great! They're also a lot of maintenance!!! To pull a 5 or 7 gang mower you'd need a pretty good size tractor. The reels need to be checked every time you mow -- checking the "cut". They would need to be sharpened a few times a year, especially with zoysia. Once a year this should be done by grinding them, which requires special equipment, usually only owned by golf courses. The other times they can be back-lapped.
Reel mowers give a superior cut. they basically cut like a scissors. this link will show you the cost of a good brand, but not the "top of the line" costing stuff. it is commonly used on golf courses.
I would only suggest a three gang unit probably, though a 5 gang would get you finished faster.
What do you consider "relatively short"? Reel mowers are only good for really short heights. I would not use one if not cutting below 1 1/2". Reel mowers will not prevent fire ants.
It would be best to speak to a golf course superintendent about the maintenance of reels.
Like I said, they give a superior cut, but they're much more intensive to maintain.

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Buying a new lawn mower, electric or gas?


I am a home owner with a small yard that takes about 45 minutes to cut. As a home owner cutting grass is the bane of my existence so I am not the neatest neighbor and tend to cut only twice a month. In addition I am very mechanically dis-inclined such that my past cheapo lawn mowers tend to last between a year and a year and a half. Suggestions (besides hiring other to do it).

With what you have and what your preferences are, I would go with the electric mower.

The advantages:
1- It is virtually maintenance free. It either starts or doesn't. The only thing for you to do is check the power source and the connection. The are numerous things that can make a gas operated mower not operate.

2- One thing I found is that an electric mower tends not to bog down in tall grass like a gas operated mower can.

3- The cost of powering the mower is cheaper than gas. No gas, no oil, no spark plugs, etc.

4- You are buying less extra parts.

5- You don't have to make sure the gas is emptied out of the tank at the end of the season.

6- Less noise.

Yes, you have to be careful not to cut the cord but it becomes second nature with practice. I've done it once in 15 years. They have accessories that can help keep the cord from the blades.

If you had to cut a half acre or run out 250' of cord to mow, gas op would be the way to go.

What is the difference between propelled, electric and gas Lawn mower?


I am looking to purchase a lawn mower with a collector and have no clue what the differenc is in each of the 3 types that seem to be out there.

Self-Propelled means that there's a mechanism that helps the mower go forward when you push on the handle. It reduces the work you have to do in pushing that SOB all over your lawn...which is nice, but doesn't make it completely without effort, either.

Electric mowers can come in two flavors: Corded, and battery-operated. Legend says that the battery operated ones have come a long way. We had one 10 years ago, and you had to REALLY keep up on your lawn, or the battery-op mower just couldn't hack through the grass, especially in the early summer when it rains a lot and the grass goes insane. Corded ones have plenty of zip and power, you just have to make sure you don't run over the extension cord. We never had a collection bag on ours, so I don't know about that part of it. You also never have trouble starting one up, and you don't have to tinker with stupid stuff like spark plugs or small engine repair. Or gasoline, for that matter. They also tend to be lighter, weight-wise.

Gas lawn mowers are what most people have...these are small engines that run on gas, so you'll have to keep that around. Most of them have collection bags which will need to be emptied two or three times per mowing, even in a small yard like ours. They still require maintenance; my hubby isn't very handy (ok, he's a handyman's idiot), and I know nothing about small engines, so I have to take my mower to someone competent to have the blade sharpened and engine tuned and the whole thing lubed and such.

Ask your neighbors if they know anyone who does lawn mower maintenance and then ask the mower guy if he has mower recommendations. We took ours in and he said, "A Snapper? I never see those things in here!" We took that as a good sign. Hubby was dumb enough to mow wet grass and then not clean out the underside, so it solidified into a concrete mass and the blade wouldn't turn. Don't do that.

Consumer Reports seems to like the following mowers:

Gas-powered push models:
Lawn-Boy 10640
Cub Cadet 11A-18MC

Corded electric push models:
Black & Decker MM875

Cordless electric push models:
Black & Decker CMM1200

Self-Propelled Models:
Toro Recycler 20333
Toro Recycler 20332
Toro Recycler 20330
Craftsman 37435
Lawn-Boy 10641
Craftsman 37624

Good luck!!

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First season with a 4-stroke lawn mower - winterize/storage?


Recently (mid-September) bought a new 4-stroke lawn mower and had cut the grass three times. Now, winter here in Canada is fast approaching, should the engine oil and gas been drained prior to storage in the backyard shed? Any other recommendation or advice are much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

My lawn mowers usually last about 10 to 15 years, that's mowing every week for 7 to 9 months out of the year, and sometimes other people's lawns as well. What do I do for winter prep? Last mowing of the year, I empty the basket and push the thing into my shed. In the spring I sharpen or replace the blade, replace the spark plug, check the oil, and start mowing. I don't change the oil or put in any additives in the gas. I figure I could change the oil and such, but I average $20 a year for a new lawn mower. Why spend more. Never had a problem with one, until it just wears out after 10 to 15 years.

lawn mower wont start, no crank, NO SOUND!?


so I dont know what im doing, big shock.
I bought a house, that came with a riding lawn mower.
ive started it up before, but it took a lot of time.
let it sit for a couple months, and now theres no crank, and no noise at all..
ive tried jumper cables, I still dont even get a sound from the engine.
my only clue is that the oil light is on,I know that soem have oil sensors, if its too low, it wont crank at all... but I have replaced the oil filter and filled it up with new oil.
still no sound at all.

I really need help, my grass is growing by the minute!!..

okay, so today I have bought a new battery for it, wired it up, and still....nothing...nothign at all...
both spark plugs look clean and new.. and I still get an oil light that comes on...

Riding lawn mowers have a few safety features built in. For instance, to start the engine, you must be sitting in the seat, the brake must be engaged, the shift lever must be in neutral and if it has an electric clutch for the mower deck, that too must be in the off position.

These safety features are so that you cannot get off of the mower and have it run away from you, or put your foot on the rotating blade(s) and if the mower rolls over, the engine will quit, helping to avoid injury or death.

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i have a riding lawnmower its a ariens rear engine model and i was wondering how do i know if the trannys blown or how do i get it out its stock will some one help me figure out why its not moving when i put it in to gear i thinkit might be my kids when the were playing around on it
if i put it any gear it wont move but it will start

Sometimes my mower did that, I tried jiggling it forwards and backwards while sitting in the seat and used to get it going

Racing Lawnmower?

Q. Im 14 but know a great deal about mowers so dont think im just some stupid kid... im building a racing lawnmower out of a murray mower frame ... im scrapping the tecumsea on board and i have a 12 hp b&s i/c with the govenor removed... i used the one piece flo jet carb on it instead of the factory lmt so i could have a bigger barral with and have a cold air intake system i reversed the stacker pully and will put a 3 inch pully on the tranny. I welded a bracked i cut off of a gocart for throttle lever mounting and strait piped the engine with metal pipe... im working on rewiring it so i wont have any traces of an interlock system. I could use any ideas pics diagrams or any other mods ... thanks

Im currently tinkering on a 8o's Murray lawntractor, its using ( for the moment) a 14HP briggs OHV motor (stock) , stock 6 speed transaxle ( for the meantime) , golf kart wheels/rims, tapered bering hubs on front wheels. The trick is less drag, then its faster- the stock front wheels w/o berings will slow you waaay down, plus be a weak spot, at least look for some with the internal berings. Currently im using the basic drive belt setup/stock clutch setup with extra tensioner pulleys for no slippage, a 6" cast pulley on the motor, a 4" pulley on the transaxle, it gets me near 30MPH in this setup. Obviously the deck is gone , was all rotten when i bot it. I dont suggest leaving the deck on , specially not in running form- remove the blades/spindle assys- being a bare shell would be okay tho - most racers cut them up and just bolt the sides of the deck to the floorbord( for the look of a deck and less weight).
Next step is a 18HP flathead twin cylender Briggs i got off a 92 MTD - im hooking a 'snap back throttle 'setup on it, using a high flow air filter element ( bypassing stock air cleaner assy), possibly a slightly larger engine pulley, meybe a 1/2" smaller trans pulley. Right now my limitations are in the trans, for speed options, once it lets go, ill swap a 90 degree right angle drive unit in , run a chain setup to a straight axle rear end and have to use a go kart clutch or torque drive setup ( since no tranny will be there) . This isnt setup to race , this is for personal experementation, I do have to add a few saftey issues here tho:
1. Brakes - use a set of GOOD aftermarket go kart brakes, stock brakes wont work at those speeds ( trust me, things come at you mighty fast with no brakes)
2. Id suggest not bypassing the governer, unless its been highly machined to acept the extra RPMs, theyre only designed for 3,000 max RPMs, theres a chance the flywheel could shatter , not to mention how fast parts would fly from the motor overevving it. You can get alot of speed with a goverener on it ( mines still on it and it runs 30MPH)
3. Wear a helmit and saftey gear! I wear a helmit when i drive my tractor- you only come with one brain and it scrambles easy!
4. Have some welding done : Id suggest strengthing alot of the parts on the tractor, steering, front spindles, chassis. You can buy or make a set of front spindles that are stronger then stockers and they accept a go kart type hub for those wheels. A differnt type of steering should be used as well, the go kart type is stronger and better then stock - you dont want to be flying around and have it break on you.
5. Build the tractor low, the lower the better, when its too far off the ground, its top heavy making it easier to tip over on you, the lower/wider the more stability.
6. I have to add this one as well.... common sense. Dont drive on the streets or roads, if you have alot of property, then use it there. You dont want to be pulled over by the police on a lawntractor ( its not a leagal motor vehicle for the streets) , or worse, get run over by a car. If you really want to race them with others, join a lawntractor racing group in your area ( yes they have them) theres specific guidelines to setup your tractor, but its for saftey purposes - use google for one in your area.
7. Id also suggest one more thing - a saftey kill switch - id suggest the one that hooks to your arm( like new snowmobiles/jet skis) and a seat switch. That way, if y slip and fall off the tractor wont keep running.
8. You mentioned a straight pipe, motors need a certain amount of backpressure to run right, I have a straight pipe on mine for now, i plan on using some threaded black pipe and fittings to run it down n under the floorbord - a way to tell how long to make it? At first, make it a bit long, spray some white paint on the pipe and run the motor for a bit, where the paint turns brown is where to cut it. With the twin cylender and twin pipes - it should look sweet, i plan on looking for some chrome drain pipe( for bathroom sinks/ect) to cover the black pipe.
This tractor is actually my second, the first was a older Craftsman with a 14.5HP OHV Briggs, till the 5 speed trans locked up, then i made the Murray. The next one will be a screemer, out of a old Wheelhorse Raider 10, lowered , near full blown racing setup and using a 16HP tecumseh motor with oil pressure ( oil pressured motors are better for racing setups) , plan on using go kart wheels, spindles, steering, full chain drive, straight rear axle and the right angle gear drive ( its a 1:1 unit, used on bush hogs, field mowers).

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im getting a riding lawn mower and a trailer what should i do to it to pimp it out.?


what should i do to a riding lawn mower and a trailer to pimp it out and make it look cool.

**** Please include how to do this ( if u can)

This must be a man thing... my husband Armor All's his tractor tires and I swear he waxed it once. He also power washes it at least once a month.

If he could, I bet he would white letter the outside walls of his tire and add flames or something to the side. You can get the flames or lettering from a print shop that does decals for public transportation vehicles (at least that is what he did for a RC tractor trailer he has).

Have you ever put a riding lawn mower in pickup using ramps?


Im thinking about starting to race riding lawn mowers but I don't have a trailer to put my lawn mower in. So can I use ramps to lift my lawn mower into the bed of my truck?


Yes, metal ramps for this exact purpose are readily available. Your local mower service centre will have some for collecting/delivering mowers, they may not mind you asking where you can buy them from. If you are leaving the cutting deck on (and assuming it is centre-mounted) the key thing is to ensure that the deck does not snag as the front wheels go down on to the bed of the truck, the ramps need to be long enough (or arched) to give a fairly shallow gradient as the tractor goes on to the truck (and obviously the deck must be in highest position). As already said, the ramps must be fixed securely to the truck. Do not use timber, there is a risk of splitting/breakage, which could result in a serious and expensive accident.

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What to look for in when purchasing a lawn mower?


We close on our first house March 30th and we are total newbies to homeownership. One of our first purchases should be a lawn mower. The house sits on just over a third acre. What should we look for in a lawn mower? Not even sure where to start. What makes a good lawn mower? Is a rider worth it?

Depends on your preference. If you want to walk, a push mower would be fine. If you want it to be a little quicker and easier, a rider would do. You should also know what type of grass you have. St. Augustine grows faster and needs cutting weekly during season, while bermuda would grow a little slower, and zoysia even slower. You may need to mow weekly, or every 2 or 3 weeks depending on the grass. The less often you have to mow it the more a push mower makes sense. And with some grass types, such as zoysia or rye, you do want to use a catcher to bag the clippings.

My new lawn mower won't stay on!!! Help!!!?


I bought a brand new lawn mower its a honda i think, push mower, and it has a choke. but every time i can get it to start, i can mow just one strip of yard and it dies! i've checked the gas and oil and its got enough, i've even changed the spark plug! i need help to what this is, i'm tried of paying the neighbor to cut my grass!

does it keep running if you leave it over pavement
say.....2 or 3 minutes?
if so it may be that you are trying to cut too much grass at once for the power of the mower
raise the height of cut to the tallest level
try mowing at that height,
go slowly and empty the bagger often
then lower the height and mow the yard immediately in another direction. keep mowing and lowering until you have the grass at a height that is better for the grass and works for the mower
when the grass is so tall and thick that it builds up under the cutting deck it slows the blade and bogs down the motor which can make it die.
if the grass is hydrated but the turf is not wet and soggy it will cut cleaner and easier.

what kind of grass is it?
zoysia and bermuda are extremely thick and hard to cut right now
like cutting a phone book with fingernail scissors

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What's a better riding mower: John Deer or Troy-Bilt?

Q. I've always wanted a John Deer. Seems best quality.

I just bought a John Deere D160 (26 hp with 48" cut) and I am VERY happy with it. Easy to operate, able to turn almost as sharp as a zero turn lots of useful features. Very good value for the money. I have never seen a Troy-Bilt Lawnmower but I know the tillers are very good.

Do you have an object present during your childhood you keep for its sentimental value?


If so, what is it and what do you associate with it?

Have you or will you inherit a family heirloom or sentimental artifact which has been for more than two generations in your family? If so, what is it? How old is it?

Between my baby face and plethora of childhood mementos that one would think I never actually grew up...

Probably true.

Bear - My stuffed bear, named Bear. I've had him since birth, a gift from my aunt. At around the age of two when I began talking (nonstop, to my parent's annoyance) I called him Bear. When my parents asked me what his name was, I replied Bear. When they acknowledged that my stuffed animal was a bear, but wanted to know his name, I insisted, Bear. Trust me, his name is Bear.
I associate him with comfort. He's a frequent guest at sleepovers and college road trips. My dad had tried telling me that state schools check all freshman for stuffed animals and burn them, but that's my dad for ya'. Bear is coming with me to college; I couldn't do this next chapter alone, and it's nice to have someone to wrap my arms at night when I'm all alone, even though he's inanimate and if he were real, he'd probably be angry at me for putting baby powder in his eyes when I was two.

Nutcracker - My parents had a VHS recording of the ABT's The Nutcracker with Mikhail Baryshnikov and Gelsey Kirkland. I loved it. I mean, I really -LOVED- it. I had my own tutus and my own CD of the music; I'd force my younger brother to dress up as Drosselmeyer (his costume consisted of a blanket and purple mask) and dance around; my father would often step in as Nutcracker Prince, but even if no one was there to dance with me, my imagination would conjure everything up, in fact I preferred to dance it alone. The only thing missing, was an actual Nutcracker.
My parents, being thrifty, made me one from a slab of wood. My mom was really crafty, and drew a really cute nutcracker on it. I loved it. But it wasn't completely right. Not only was I a five year old obsessed with The Nutcracker, but I was also a five year old obsessed with frogs. My mother snuck it from me in the middle of night, had to wretch it from my hands (yes, I slept with a wooden board, and Bear.) and that morning when I woke up, there was a frog, right in it's pocket! It was the perfect nutcracker! I associate all those warm feelings about the Nutcracker, my secret desire to dance ballet (not so secret now that it's on the internet, haha!), my love of Gelsey Kirkland (who became a personal hero for me when I was struggling with depression), and well, lots of other fond memories.

As for family heirlooms, there are quite a few, though with three other siblings, it's a mystery as to who will inherit what. There are my grandmother's rings, an antique desk engraved with some mystery relative's initials with brass numbers, antique silverware, and goodness, there's lots. One thing which I can't inherit, though I so very much wish I could, was my grandfather's house, which he sold. It was huge, with plenty of pachysandra (my name is Cassandra, so I thought I was named after this plant my grandfather had growing everywhere - pa-Cassandra!), a wide expanse of yard for a slip-n-slide, a garden enclosed with a quaint rustic fence and inside had garden candy - snap peas, a homemade playhouse named "The Wee House" hand built by my grandfather, a large lake leading into a stream where forts were made, charming places like "Berry Bridge" (bridge built over a raspberry patch) "Antique Aisle" (shady enclosure with rusty antique tools and machines) "Dead Man's Hill" (steep hill leading to the lake that you literally ran down because the momentum of your body just couldn't be stopped!), and "Rough Waters" (name of a pretend town built by my cousin and I by the spillway), and free train rides on a train built by my grandfather from a lawnmower. Yup, it was heaven on earth, and he sold it. Gosh I miss it.

Well, that's my childhood as seen through different trinkets and heirlooms. I know I developed a bit of a bitter tone towards the end, but I suppose all good things must come to an end and things change, whether for better or worse, they change. My grandfather selling the house marked the end of my idyllic childhood, which was really only marred by my ferocious two-year old temper tantrums... and eleven year old temper tantrums. But these are memories, happy memories I keep in the recesses of the mind. Thanks for giving me the chance to revisit them. :-)

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Selasa, 13 Mei 2014

Can Mulch Mower kill grass Seeds on grass blades?


My grass has gotten a bit large and now has grass seeds on their tips. It needs a good cut but i figure i should use a Mulch Mower so that when i do cut my lawn those seeds from the blades can make it to my soil. Will this happen or will the mulch mower, mulch the hell out of those seeds too rendering them useless?

THank you.

I am guessing you have Bermuda grass.So NO mulching won't hurt your seeds unless there is so much leaf that after mulching you get a fungus problem.Heck most grass seed makes it through a cow,sheep,or goats digestive tract unharmed...

St. Augustine grass is the pits?


I bought my home recently and the back yard was neglected. About 60% was dirt and the small amount of St. Augustine grass was almost totally brown. After some serious watering and seeding the grass is looking pretty green but there are still some problems.

The only thing I could not get rid of was the pits in the grass. There are little dips and pits all over the lawn. You can't see them until you step in one because the grass is so thick. Pushing a lawn mower is hell because you can't go in a straight line without having to wiggle the wheels out of a pit. Is there a way to fill them in without digging up the grass first? If I add dirt to the pits won't the grass grow through it.?

Filling the pits with dirt will solve the problem. The grass will definitely grow through it. I had Bermuda grass at my house in NC and it went brown too--normally--so one winter I decided to dethatch by burning it. I got rid of all the dead grass, then I reseeded with a perennial rye, and it looked much better. But it didn't remove the Bermuda; you need God for that, getting rid of the stuff is like trying to get crack out of LA. Forget it.

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Senin, 12 Mei 2014

What is the "Travel Trivia and other trivia for Radio Stations for 1/24/2013?


Good Evening and morning!


Country-Garth & Trisha
Hidden Art-Rebar
Fewer Chicken-Bacon
Electric Lawn-GAR
Lawn Mower-GRE
US99 Music(Bonus)-COL

1989 Ford Yt18h Lawn tractor has no spark?


I parked this tractor in the spring of 2013. I went to go start it and move it out of my way and it wouldn't start. I found that I wasn't getting any spark so I went to an identical parts motor and swapped out the ignition coil. It still doesn't have spark but it turns over so one would think that all of the safety switches are operating properly. I removed the 12 volt ignition coil wire from the coil and jumpered 12 volts from the battery to the ignition coil to bypass the key switch and it still didn't work. What else could it be? Thanks.

I am sure you have a safety switch problem. You can try to start it by jumping directly to the starter however the ignition system is on a different circuit. Seat switches, PTO (Deck) switches, an sometime clutch switches can be out of adjustment, broken etc. I had one of those mowers, it maybe the electrical mower switch, it operates the deck, but will not let the engine start if it is on or broken. These engines have magnetron ignition coils which are simply grounded out to shut down the engine. Somewhere that circuit is grounded out and not letting the ignition operate properly.

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How to pick a riding/tractor lawn mower?


Hi, it's pretty much lawn mowing season here and our current tractor lawn mower broke down. It was a hand-me-down and didn't handle well in the first place, but now we need a replacement.

What are some suggestions? In terms of brands in general, durability, easy handling, ease of use, and good maneuverability (I'm a pretty small female and am generally not that great with mechanics but our yard is over 1 acre and I'd feel bad if my dad were the only one in the house who could easily use the thing).

Completely new to buying riding lawn mowers so help would be welcome. If you recommend one you use yourself, could you also include a price range and how many years you've had it for and how much you use it?

Consumer Reports Magazine in their May issue has an article that rates and compares riding mowers and hand mowers. You might want to get a copy and read it. It is also available on their website for a fee. If I remember right their top rated tractor mower was a John Deere model priced around $2000?

Brand new briggs & stratton lawn mower will not start. What am I doing wrong?

Lolis d

It has a ready start system and does not have a stop switch or shut-off valve. It does say to move throttle control to fast. What throttle control? Where is that? There is no visible switch or button. Someone please help!!! I am holding the stop lever to the handle like it instructs by the way.

on the top near the handle look for a rabbit and a turtle with a lever between--the turtle is slow and the rabbit is fast

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Riding lawn mower won't start? How do I find out what's wrong? PLEASE HELP?


I have a craftsman LT1500 riding mower(has Briggs and Stratton 500cc 17.5HP engine) brought in 2011. I parked it in the back yard since June of this summer(2012), and have not used it ever since (left it for about 2 months sitting there, didn't have time to start it). I covered it up with a rubber mat(covered whole mower except the wheels and part of blade housing).
I tried to start it yesterday and it didn't start the battery was low. So this morning I put jumper cables on it to a car, it kept clicking. Then after atleast 15 turns to the key, it cranked for about 3 seconds then finally started. I cut all of th grass, then turned it off. Tried to turn it on again but it wouldn't start even with jumper cables hooked up.
I just took the cover off of the engine, put WD-40 on all of the spinning parts, turned the key and still nothing. The clicking cake from near the battery which I guess is where the starter motor is.

How do I find out wether it the starter or battery or wiring? I haven't used this mower much, just left it sitting for a while. There is quite abit of surface rust on the carberator(it's the spinning part on the mower, I'm not too familiar with these engines)

You need to buy a volt meter. You can get one for very cheap at wal-mart. Then check the battery voltage. The correct voltage will be posted on the battery. The battery may not be able to hold a charge if so it will need to be replaced. Also the lawnmower may not be charging the battery. You can check that by checking battery voltage with the engine running.

Can a weak battery effect the way my engine idles and runs? It sounds bad after sound system was installed.?


I am not sure if the guy at Car Toys drilled into the gas tank or something else when he grounded out the system or if it is something else but I noticed a hissing sound coming from under my car as soon as I got to my friends house after the installation. I was freaking out for a bit and then it stopped only to come back after we got back from getting a bite to eat. I have a Hyundai Genesis 2011. We got out of the car to make sure the noise hadn't returned and sure enough it had. My car sounded more like a damn lawn mower rather than its normal purring sound. On top of that the hissing sound was almost as if there was air leaking out of something. We came to the conclusion that if it wasn't a hole in the gas tank, then it had to be the fuel line or something. We examined it and after awhile we turned the engine off for a few minutes. When we turned it back on the hissing noise was gone and the exhaust sounded better but the engine was clicking pretty hard only subtly however. It still has a factory battery in it.
It's a 700 watt mono block amp and I'm running one 12" subwoofer. I'm almost positive the battery is going low bc at one point I could run the ignition for 10 minutes at a time without the warning coming on and now even if I get in the car for 1 minute with the ignition on it gives me a warning telling me to start my engine. Another note: I was driving home tonight and I stomped on the accelerator a little bit to see if it had limited power and sure enough it seemed like it wasn't near as responsive and the exhaust sounded really bad. It didn't feel like the same car...

I would look for a loose vacuum line or maybe a disconnected sensor in the engine bay, he may have disconnected something when connecting power to the system and forgot to plug it back in.

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mower oil?


what type of oil should i use for a Lawn Boy push mower? ive been using 10w30 but im no too sure if i should be usin a differnt type

Lawn-Boy® 2-Cycle Ashless oil. Engineered to meet Lawn-Boy's high performance engine requirements.

All-season oil for 2-cycle engines

Available in three convenient sizes for easy mixing (32:1 ration):

⢠4 oz. can - for 1 gallon of gas
⢠8 oz. can - for 2 gallons of gas
⢠20 oz. bottle - for 5 gallons of gas

What makes Lawn-Boy's 2-Cycle Ashless Oil so special?

A High Performance Ashless Formula
⢠Formulated to withstand the higher operating temperatures in today's 2-cycle engines.

Keeps Engines Cleaner
⢠Special additives clean and prevent engine deposit buildup which helps maintain engine power and engine life.

Easy Mixing
⢠Unique formula allows easy mixing regardless of temperature conditions.

Extended Fuel Life
⢠All in one formula includes fuel stabilizer to extend storage life of fuel for easier starts.

Outstanding Benefits

⢠Reduced engine wear
⢠Reduced carbon build-up & deposits
⢠Helps maintain engine power and peak performance
⢠Increased protection against ring sticking
⢠Increased storage life of your fuel system for more reliable starting

The only oil specially formulated to meet the needs of your Lawn-Boy 2-cycle engine!

gasoline for lawn mower and oil?

Football I

do i just go to the gas station with like a tnk or w/e and ask em to fill it up
like a gallon container?
is that appropriate?
what bout oil

You buy an empty gas can at a store or possibly even the gas station. You then fill that up just like you would fill up your car. You do want to set the can on the ground, not leave it in your car or back of the truck when you fill it. As for the size it depends on the size of the of your mower and yard. If you have a typical push mower and a typical city yard a gallon can will likely fill up the mower 2x which should be maybe 3 mows. Most people would go with a 2 1/2 gallon can and that will likely only need to be filled maybe 2 times all summer. Gas does not like to sit for too long so if the gas station is not too far away a smaller can means it will stay fresher. If you have too much gas you can always dump it in your car so it does not sit over the winter and go bad. For oil check your owners manual but you can buy the oil at places that sell lawn mowers or auto parts stores.

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What is the best lawn mower for under $300?


I want a pull start, rear propelled and gas mower that doesn't cost too much. Can any of you suggest any brands that you've have had good luck with??? If anyone know of any great on-line deals for mowers, I would like to know that too....

I have a Lawn Boy that's 10 years old, and still starts on the 2nd. pull. I don't know how much they cost today, but it was $259 new. Why buy on-line and pay shipping? Watch your local stores for sales, or the classified for used.

What lawn mower should I get for under $300?

Jessica B

Hi there...I am thinking about getting a lawn mower, and have a small front and small back yard, not a whole lot of space. I want something good quality though, that will last. I do not want to spend over $300 though....recommendations?

Buy a used mower. You'll pay half or less of the original cost new. Go to the biggest general lawn and garden machine dealer in your area and kick the tires, and/or check out local ads, including Craigslist.
Once there, it should at least start. Maintenance or a tune up after that is pretty easy.

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Minggu, 11 Mei 2014

Trying to start a Lawn Mower business!?

Hey everyone - I'm trying to start a business mowing lawns but I'm having some trouble. I don't really hv enough money to buy a 300$ lawn mower or a car that's big enough to hold it.

The most I could do is buy the black & decker trimmer and edger but I don't think that would help in mowing lawns.

lol, well there is no getting around buying a lawn mower to start a lawn mower business... don't get any electric weed eaters or edgers, even if its cordless, just don't. you don't need an edger at all. buy a straight shaft weedeater and you can edge with that, youtube and practice how to do it. i don't really know what to tell you about the mower, but u at least need a $300 mower. i know a kid that makes some real money with a $400 honda mower and a shindaiwa weed eater.

black and decker electric lawn mower MM875 not starting?

nite a

Guys, the mower wont start anymore, it was working fine last week, but now its dead. The grass was very wet when I mowed last time, could it be some short circuit or something, but it worked until I finished mowing the last time I used it.Any tips on how to trouble shoot it? I open the cover to expose the motor, but not sure how to test the electric supply.
Ok I tested the supply using voltage tester and its reading voltage at the terminal connected to the motor. (red/black point). Now what? Is it the motor gone bad?

You will need a volt meter, or at the very least an LED voltage detector. It could be anything from the cord to the switch, from the switch to the motor connection, a burned out/ not seated brush, to a burned out armature. Link posted might better illustrate what your up against:

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How do I mow a lawn? First time?


Ok. I have to mow the lawn for the first time today...what do I do? Do I have to use special gas? I know that it's called 2-cycle, but do I pick it up at the hardware store? I know I sound like a stupid chick, but I really appreciate your help. Thanks

No stupid questions here.
Just about every lawn mower today uses regular gas. Only some models of the Lawn Boy brand use two cycle oil anymore. Use of two cycle oil is a mix of oil and gas used instead of having oil in the engine (like a car).
Small engines like chain saws and string trimmers usually use a 2 cycle mix (anywhere from 1:25 to 1:50)
If your lawn mower has a place to put oil than it uses regular gas. Its a good idea to check the oil level before starting the engine. With most small mowers it should be full to the top. If it needs oil, use a plain SAE 30 oil.
Wearing eye and ear protection is always a good idea.
Its also a good idea to do a quick check for any debris (sticks, rocks, etc.) before mowing.


Which brand zero-turn riding mower do you recommend?


I have 4 acres of mostly flat lawn to mow. Not many obstacles to mow around besides a large oval shaped pond which is on higher ground so there's a nice slope up to it at the back of the yard.

A lot of people will tell you to buy a commercial mower since you have a lot of space. Probably not needed. The main difference between a commercial mower and a consumer version is how many hours they expect you to use the machine. Commercial mowers can handle 40 hours a week. They have much thicker steel in their decks and more rugged components. Pretty much overkill for someone mowing their own yard once or twice a week.

Now, with that much space it would be good to get a large deck from a dependable brand. Something that is built by a commercial manufacturer but meant for home owner use. So, a little brother of one of the big ones but still very good and reliable. You'll see Gravely HDs used by a number of startup landscapers but it's a top end home owner unit. Get a big deck to cut down your mowing time and you're good to go. Maybe 60 inches?

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What to look for in when purchasing a lawn mower?


We close on our first house March 30th and we are total newbies to homeownership. One of our first purchases should be a lawn mower. The house sits on just over a third acre. What should we look for in a lawn mower? Not even sure where to start. What makes a good lawn mower? Is a rider worth it?

Depends on your preference. If you want to walk, a push mower would be fine. If you want it to be a little quicker and easier, a rider would do. You should also know what type of grass you have. St. Augustine grows faster and needs cutting weekly during season, while bermuda would grow a little slower, and zoysia even slower. You may need to mow weekly, or every 2 or 3 weeks depending on the grass. The less often you have to mow it the more a push mower makes sense. And with some grass types, such as zoysia or rye, you do want to use a catcher to bag the clippings.

I need help with striping my lawn and making it look professional?


We have about 1 acre of land and we use a cub-cadet lawn mower. I have tried to stripe it but I cant get it to look like the pros. Is my technique wrong? Is there something i could make to pull behind the tractor to bend the grass down? That is what they do at the golf course. I mow it at about 4.5 inches. Any tips?

Stripes in grass work best on fine textured turf such as Bermuda, Zoysia, Bent or Fescue. If you are growing a turf that requires a mowing height of 4.5 inches such as St Augustine or Bahia, then striping is tougher.

Be sure the blades are very sharp. Mow often and make marks somewhere unobtrusive so that you are mowing in the same direction in the same place every time you mow. Mow often. It is the repetition of direction that eventually puts stripes in turf..

Reel mowers often have rollers behind them to prepare the surface for playing. The rollers should not be too heavy to prevent soil compaction.

Remember, the striping in turf is much more visible from above and on TV, you may have more striping than you can see from ground level.

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Pick up branches & sticks from 1/2 acre lawn . . . tools? techniques?

Wes T

I have to pick up random broken branches & sticks from nearby trees after wind & storms. They are mostly small sticks less than a couple feet long. Longer ones are slender & easily snapped.

First time I did this, my back was sore for many days. A rake will not help. Bending at knees is not an option, as my knees are shot. Any tips or strategies?

If they are mostly small ones, do what we do here.Get one of those gadgets designed for elderly & handicapped people that pick up things for you without you having to bend.They are around $6 here in Australia at the hardware stoes.We hitch the little trailer up to our ride-on mower,& pick up sticks & bark etc as we cruise around the back yard (5 acres in our case.)Saves our back & gets us a load of kindling for the patio chiminea.

UK, USA, Australia or Canada... who's best, and give your reasons...?


UK. My reasons, we have Adele, Coldplay, The Beatles, Queen, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, The Rolling Stones, Mumford and Sons, Oasis, etc... America has Kesha and Canada has Justin Bieber and Australia has Cody Simpson, I know One Direction are British but they actually have good music. we INVENTED free health care after England was done with war, Canada thinks they did though but they just belong to British Commonwealth, other countries try and take credit for what England has done and hold England back and claim their people, even the Bee Gees were British but because they lived in Australia for a few years, Australians claim them as Aussies when they were born and raised in UK. We have Simon Cowell who invented X Factor and most other cool talent shows like Britain's got Talent and America's got Talent. We get free education and don't have to pay to go to school or college, we also have one of the best education systems. We have Kings, Queens, Princes and Princesses, Royal weddings are a big deal, we have the best history, you speak our English language, Britain invented the World Wide Web, Telephone and Television, I know other countries deny it but look it up, example, Tim Berners-Lee from London, UK invented the Internet and the two men who invented the television and the telephone are Scottish. And without England, America and Canada wouldn't exist since they used to belong to the British Monarchy. London is a cool place for tourism because we have Big Ben, London Bridge, Buckingham Palace, The London Eye, The tower of London, The house of parliament, etc... Our flag looks the best too. We are also the classiest. And we invented The Apprentice, The Office, Dr Who and Harry Potter and America gives us JERSEY SHORE?! America also made crappy remakes of British shows like Skins, Shameless, The Apprentice, The Office and now they are doing Sherlock and Misfts, I don't know how they even try to pull them off when most of the shows are based on British culture. And the whole of UK is not even the size of California and texas put together. We had a female prime minister YEARS ago, we are a lot less sexist, homophobic and judgmental than Americans in general. WE WIN.

Now, who do you think wins and what are your reasons? You can name another country too. Name as many reasons as you can.

UK. The United Kingdom is wonderfully diverse but not in the same way it is in many other places. Besides places like china town in London, most communities don't live in their own groups but equally throughout the country, more in major cities obviously. The United Kingdom has not just English, but other historic languages originating here as well which can include Welsh/Celtic, Cornish. The music is brilliant with some of the best music festivals I have ever seen. The incredible history going back before ancient Roman times offers unique architecture London. The National Health Service offers free health care and good health care to ALL citizens. The education system, although mistreated by many and taken for granted is, subject to opinion, very good. The politics is surprisingly fascinating, hilarious at points and most of its problems are usually exaggerated. The landscape of the countryside is beautiful with much to offer. I prefer British television because channels like those of the BBC mean that you can watch and enjoy a whole range of different programs, factual or fictional, Science - Fiction to lifestyle and non-commercialized plus there are great programs. I never liked Pop Idol, and I don't like the X factor or Britain's got talent but they started in this country and like many other programs including the office and top gear are just recreated for other county's sake. There's no need to pay for college or sixth-form, university is different. Britain in general has a smaller racism, sexism and homophobia problem than the USA and as guns are illegal, which I respect is also true for other countries, means less gun crime. London is the best city in the world. I have been to New York, Berlin, and many other places on holiday but London was and I think always will be the best. I like the fact its very difficult to get fired, if very difficult to get a job anyway. There is pride amongst the people, contrary to popular belief. You may hear many Muslim horror stories but according to a recent survey by the guardian, 83% of people are proud to be British. The location, easy access to mainland Europe and/or the Republic of Ireland. There are a great quantity of additional positives to say for the UK but my personal favorite, which you can interpret as a negative is the fact that it's so brilliantly diverse and this meeting of cultures provides so much for this country from food to music. There are negatives, the class system is still in working order, you can distinguish the lady from the tramp in every town or city. You can guarantee a drought every year in the south-east and binge-drinking lets the country down, I think. Australia beats us at weather and at spo- no I can't say it. Canada has a beautiful landscape with plenty to offer and the US offers there own romantic history from the 18th-20th centuries.They offer much to modern youth culture from TV to music to other forms of media. Every country has positives and negatives but my heart will remain with the United Kingdom.

I agree with 'A.' What a country offers to the rest of the world is important. The UK invented:
- Lawn Mower
- Microphones
- The world's most popular sports from football to cricket.
- "See the Wikipedia site below" Much was invented and discovered here.

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